Do You Fear Him?

Chapter 135 Do You Fear Him?

Vice lords Hideout: Kitchen

Bringing a knife down as he expertly slices down the middle of the radish-onion with ease on a yellow cutting board, chopping up the rest of the vegetable as he stares down at the task he is doing with a non expressionless face, speaking out loud to himself as he is the only one in the actually really nice metal kitchen area, Kip says, now that I'm finished dicing up this radish-onion. Let me move on over to oiling up my pan a bit.

Moving with passion as he knows his way around the kitchen, Kip glides over to a medium sized pantry positioned next to a refrigerator, pulling it open with a light tug of the wrist, reaching in with his right hand, Kip pulls out some low-fat vegetable oil.

With the oil now in his possession, standing in front of a red steel pan, popping open the top to the lid of the bottle, Kip drizzles just a smidge of the liquid into the pan, grabbing the handle to the pan, Kip begins to swirl slowly and carefully the oil around inside the pan. Once done with that, Kip runs over to the fridge, opening the left door to the cold storage unit, pulling out an already cut piece of a type of meat.

Leisurely walking back with the meat in hand as he returns to the pan with a pleasant expression inched on his face, Kip says, oh boy I can't wait to try this Bison-Sheep steak! After making his happy comment, slinking in with a I wonder what's happening in here type of face, Arti enters the kitchen, stopping his gate for only a second as he spots Kip cheffing it up.

Gazing at Kip as he walks over with a calm and intrigued disposition, Arti says in a quirky sounding manner, just the person I wanted to run into. How's it going Sir Kip? Breaking out of his cooking zone for just a sec to respond to Arti, Kip says, its going pretty good art, I can't complain! As you can obviously see I'm whipping up some food at the moment.

Glancing down with interested eyes at the food that Kip is preparing, Arti says, I can see that. What your making looks quite appetizing if I must be honest with you. But that's not why I'm here right now though, I'm here because I would like to ask you about something Mr. Kip.

Sprinkling some seasonings on his food, answering back as his eyes stay on the task that he's doing, Kip says, ok. Ask away smarty Arti. Pulling out a stool that is placed in front the countertop that Kip is at, sitting down with his hands pressed together, Arti says in a blunt and weird way, do you fear him Mr. Kip?

End of Chapter 135