A Surprise Guest!

Chapter 148 A surprise Guest!

Crisga Jamon's Island:

Glaring as he walks up slowly to the front with an annoyed expression on his face, instantly turning his gold hand into a pistol, Rint says with disdain flying out of his mouth, we don't have time to deal with these big pussies. Lifting up his gun arm in a calm manner, seeing the gesture as he points his firearm at the group of wild cats. Alarmed from seeing the weapon pointed at them, triggered like an abused girlfriend, all seven overly muscular cats move in unison at the trio with hunger on their minds.

Firing a basic bullet with no hesitation at one of the felines with a blank face, Rint says, don't halt our progress you fucking cats. Zipping at one of the cats with wind bursting speed, as the bullet nears its target, one of the cats nimbly moves its body and evades the life ending shot. Grabbing the handle of his right pistol, keeping his eyes dialed on the predators nearing him and his friends, smirking slightly, Ver says, looks like these fluffy kitties here got some light legs! I guess we have to get up all close and personal with them to really stop'em aye!

Being the first one to move out of the three-man team, Ver dashes with a ready for battle glint in his eyes, already upon one of the big thick creatures, with a smile on his face, Ver says, sorry pretty kitty. You and your buds have to be put down so we can move forward. Swiping at Ver with no inkling of listening to his remark, nearing his right claw at his face, anticipating the damn near predictable attack, Ver dodges like a leaf blowing in the wind, now under the underbelly of one of the beast, pointing his firearm, pressing the trigger. Bang! bursting through the meaty hide of the animal as the hot piece of lead destroys its innards, with blood gushing out of the now opened wound, the big cat's body immediately drops to the ground.

Seeing one of their brethren killed before them with rage swirling in their blazing sun like orange eyes, two red devil like cats zoom in to attack Ver. Tilting his head down with a malicious little grin on his face as he stares at his hot pursuit pursuers coming in close, Ver says, kill one and the others will come! Almost reaching Ver as the two get within striking distance of him, with a whistling sound coming completely out of nowhere as a purple projectile smacks one of the two big furry brutes in the jaw, with the force of the blow-up rooting its humongous claws off the ground as it knocks into the other, sending the two flying away from Ver.

Furrowing his brows up in confusion as to what just happened, a strange but familiar sounding voice calls out in Ver's ear and says, long time no see my red and blue haired rival. Pinpointing where the voice came from, Ver sees a familiar face and says with a little chuckle, how quaint a surprise guest is here.

End of Chapter 148