Base Camp!

Chapter 151 Base Camp!

Crisga Jamon's Island:

Traversing through the jungle once more, but now with a fourth member in their party, Ver, Pap, Rint, and now Wink with them move ever forward to try and find the 7th member of Zorga's 8 Deadly Guns. Leading the charge as always on their adventures, Ver walks in front of the group with confidents displayed all over his face, keeping his determined red jewel like eyes forward as he swats away leaf after leaf, pondering in his mind, Ver says, for fuck's sake is there any form of a house or a living person on this island? I mean damn I feel like we've been trekking for hours trying to see if this place is this Crisga guy's island, but all I've seen so far is straight up typical wildlife here.

Inching his way up from the back of the groups semi single file line, now positioned on Ver's left side, out stretching his right arm as he places it on Ver's shoulder, Wink says in an unnerving type of voice as a sweat drop comes rolling down from his forehead and sliding its way down in between the T zone of his face, hey Ver mate. I know I might be a little bit of a bother asking this again but are you seriously trying to find and in fact fight an 8 Deadly Gun member? Warping out of his inner thought process, glancing over at Wink with a casual and normal look at hearing his question, responding back like it's no big deal, Ver says, yeah, we are. Plus, I already killed one of their members already so far and got the info about this scum that were trying to find right now.

Flabbergasted at what he just heard as his eyes widen, answering back with a mind blown type of tone to his voice, Wink says, w... what was that! You already killed one of Zorga's men! Which one?! Scratching under his five-o clock shadowy sweaty beard as he stares down at the ground trying to remember the person, he eliminated's name, Ver says in an unsure but kind of sure manner, I think that kid's name was Rebo or no....V-mo. Blurting out from the back of the two men, Rint says in an aggressive tone, the kid's name was T-Mo dumbass! Snapping his fingers like he got it Ver says in a like he knew type of voice, yeah T-Mo that's it! That lightning kid!

Aw stricken once more as he stops momentarily, Wink says, you killed T-Mo! And another thing to why are you going after Zorga and his men in the first place?! Shifting his whole face toward Wink with closed eyes and a happy go lucky smile, Ver says, to obviously end corruption in this world duh! And the only way to do that is to target the source right, aka hence being the man himself who damn near controls a lot of shit in this world Zorga himself.

With his mind just fried at hearing Ver's nonchalant comment, before Wink can have a moment to even utter a letter from his mouth, moving rather brisk just a tad as he gets in between Ver and Wink, sticking out his left arm, curling his left hand but only leaving out his pointer finger as he points up ahead, Pap says in a surprised and gumpy tone, look forward everyone I see people and tents up ahead.

Halting their convo for a moment, after hearing Pap's astonished phrase, quickly shifting their attention to the front of them, stopping their footsteps as they near the end of a small rocky hill, Ver and Wink gaze at what Pap just mentioned with different emotions shown on their faces as they see what looks to be a small base camp with troops moving about wearing green and purple swat team type of uniforms on. Smiling like a greedy king that just took over another nation, Ver says with a ready to do some bad shit bravado expanding out of his voice as he peers down at the camp, guess this was the right island then! Well fellas time to create some chaos!

End of Chapter 151