A Major Blow!

Chapter 163 A Major Blow!

Crisga Jamon's Island: Base Camp: Pap Vs Arwi

Red as a batch of cherry Kool aid in a pitcher, a good puddle of hot plasma forms on the ground, with smoke escaping the muzzle of his gun after firing, sweating just a tinge on his forehead as he stares at his now damaged foe before him with cautious eyes, opening his mouth to speak, Pap says, that attack should have wounded you a great deal.

Breathing raggedly for the first time since their fight began, holding his now gushing and oozing wound on his left side with his right hand clenched on the gunshot wound. profusely sweating as he keeps his eyes leered up at Pap with his still composed facial expression trying to mask his pain, grabbing a part of his green tight shirt he is wearing, ripping it with no feelings within doing the action, tying the piece of ripped up cloth around his lower half of his bod to stop the flow of blood from the area, Arwi says as his gunergy aura spikes out of nowhere, that was a pretty big major blow you hit me with kid.

After receiving the shot and Beining blown back a couple feet away from Pap's attack, darting at Pap like a brush of wind rippling through a bunch of bushes in the fall, now upon Pap as he is on his right side, instantly pointing his gun with a quick draw motion, Arwi fires a shot, with his reaction speed to late by a milli second off. The bullet hits Pap in his right leg, switching over in a blink like a ninja, now on Pap's left side, Arwi fires again with no words, injuring Pap again this time on his left leg.

Unable to even fathom the pain already starting to course through his nerves, as he drops to the ground on his bloody legs, Pap's face contorts into anguish, damn near almost engulfing his whole visage black like a ghoul from a haunted mansion, reaching out his right free hand as he snags Pap by his shirt, lifting him up from off the ground as blood drips from his quads, scrunching his eyebrows just a smidge as he actually forms a different expression of being slightly pissed on his face, Arwi says while raising up his left hand with his gun in it, don't get to cocky kid. As you can see and damn sure feel in your legs right now. Your out of your league fighting me. And even though I don't really show my emotions that much on my face, I'm actually a little peeved that you ruin one of my favorite shirts.

Finishing his little rant, bringing down his pistol hand with black gunergy enveloping it with disdain, Arwi slams the butt of his gun straight in the middle of Pap's forehead knocking him out cold with a loud cracking noise. With his eyes rolling in the back of his head, Pap's gray gunergy starts to dissipate slowly, wasting no time whatsoever on his next gesture, Arwi then proceeds to punch an unconscious Pap in the stomach 20 times with crazy and brutal speed, ending his merciless punching fiesta on the out cold lad, Arwi says as he tosses Pap's frozen body into the air, sending the boy sky high, rocketing up like a kite, aiming his gun at the lifeless young teen, Arwi fires a bullet engulfed in a mass of dark energy the size of a baseball, Erase Bullet.

Zooming into the air like a missile, the dark mass perfectly hits Pap straight in the stomach, shockingly breaking him out of his out cold state but bringing him to the side of feeling like he might meet the grim reaper pretty soon. Being beaten and fucked up as well as he lays on the ground motionless before his opponent, gazing up at a blood-soaked Pap descending from the sky with his right still unswollen eye, muttering out loud in a faint tone, Wink says, Pap...mate.

End of Chapter 163