So That's It!

Chapter 183 So That's It!

Crisga Jamon's Island: Rint Vs Crisga

Rint Circle:

Finally did some major damage on his ass with that one. Pointing my gun hand down as I watch the smoke clear from him crashing into his shack from my attack, seeing that he has more damage than me now, I say quietly to myself, were even now you fucking smug bastard, try smiling from that.

Twitching a little as I see him move as he creeps out from the debris of wood and rock, even though I'm feeling good about my attack choices I did on him, knowing that he is still breathing, I still keep my gunergy up and my guard as I stare to see what he might do.

Up on his feet now as crumbs of wood fall off his person, with his clothes torn and ragged looking, hunched slightly as his head droops down with blood dripping from it, getting a weird feeling in the pit of my stomach as I feel uneasiness in the air, out of nowhere unleashing a big pink wave of gunergy enveloping his visage, now lifting his head up.

Staring straight at me with a different glint in his red and green eyes, opening his mouth to speak, Crisga says with an eerie dark tone to his voice, not bad Rint shit. That attack strategy was not bad at all, but now I think I'm done playing it safe with you, because you've gone and messed up my bun.

Vanishing like a mouse scurrying through a house, appearing on the right side of me with the air about him downright murderous, Crisga says, since I'm going to fuck you up now, since you messed with my stylish hair, I'll let you know what my ability is. Instantly pointing his gun at my right hip, firing without warning, I panic as I brace for the bullet to enter my body, but in that same instance nothing horrible transpires, unfortunately as I say that, appearing right before me as a dark portal opens up right in front of me, a pink beam blast out from it, hitting me square in my lower left abdomen.

Shocked from being struck by the fast pink laser and finally seeing what I'm up against as blood Flys out of my body, I say to myself with my eyes wide, so that's it! A fucking portal ability!

End of Chapter 183