Welcome To The Crew!

Chapter 190 Welcome to the Crew!

Crisga Jamon's Island: Base Camp

On their feet as they walk into the destroyed and ravaged base camp, staring forward as he stands beside Pap as they keep a good pace, Wink says with some curiosity in his voice, you think will find Ver alive?

Gazing forward as well with a composed face as he responds back to a curious sounding Wink, Pap says, I don't think I even need to answer that Mr. Wink. Cause look. Extending his left arm outward as he points, briskly walking up with his injuries not as bad as the two, smiling with his overconfident smile that he usually always has, staring at Pap and Wink, Ver says, alright! You two are still kicking! Awesome! Awesome! But you two look like shit not going to lie.

Having something already entering his mind on what he wants to say to retaliate with, Wink says in a sarcastic tone, sorry for not being a freak of nature like you mate, we all can't be prodigies. Scratching his chin with his left hand, Ver says in a boastful manner, true. I guess I'm just that magnificent, but on a serious note here though, are your people that you fought dead or still with the living?

Answering at the same time, Pap and Wink say, dead. Quickly glancing over at each other as they did not mean to answer in unison, smiling a tad more after hearing their conjoined answer, Ver says, good. That's good. Cause we don't want any parts of Zorga's clique to keep breathing no matter what.

Turning around right after making his statement, having something else to say as he puts his hands behind his head leisurely, Ver says, well now that I know that. Let's go see if Rint's done with his fight. Oh, and one more thing.

Rotating his torso just a smidge to his right as he looks at Wink, Ver says with a straightforward lively tone, welcome to the crew Wink!

Dumbstruck at the mere comment, Wink says, excuse me? Did you say welcome to the crew? But I di...cutting him off before he can even finish, Pap says with a happiness in his voice, yay another new party member! Embarrassed a little, as he is not even going to continue the sentence structure, he wanted to let out prior, Wink then just cocks his head down to the right and glances down like a bashful kid.

End of Chapter 190