
Chapter 192 Westward!

Ver's Ship: Open Seas

Leaving the island of Crisga's as Ver and his comrades sail on to the west to hunt down the next 8 Deadly gun.

Exhausted from all their fights from the catastrophic island, the gang just settles down and licks their wounds.

Cruising along the water in a nice leisurely pace as the sun begins to set, less hurt out of everyone cause he's a freak of unholiness, stationed in one of the rooms as the four corrals, Ver says as he lifts up a glass of some alcohol, another day won fellas! And a new friend has joined our group! So, raise your glasses and let's hear a loud oh yeah!

Being the only one to say as instructed with his glass raised, Pap says with bandages wrapped around his body, oh yeah sir!

Laying on a bed in the room as his whole torso is covered like a half mummy, having his eyes closed with his head turned away from them, Rint says in a not feeling the vibe type of mood, I don't think we should be celebrating until we have cleared out all of Zorga's cliques.

Sitting down in a chair after standing for a while, Ver says while making a don't be a Debbie downer face, it's the little things little stick up your ass Rint. Grant it, I get what you're saying, will still have a lot more troubles ahead, but sometimes the small victories should be known.

Turning his head toward Rint with a calm expression Pap state's, Mr. Ver is right Mr. Rint we came out on top again, and we got another helping hand for our cause. So, it's warranted to feel good at this moment.

Done with talking as he switches his body away from them, Rint says nothing, eating a bowl of nuts as he has been for the last few minutes, having something to ask as he speaks out loud, Wink says with wanting to know their next move, so what's our next course were taking since I'm with you guys now? Also, your still my rival Ver remember that.

Sipping his drink as he looks at Wink, removing the glass from his lips, Ver says with an immediate response, heading west to find the Alice chick duh. But before that were finding a place to get our recovery on and some new threads. Oh, and news flash since I'm that guy, you're not strong enough to be my rival.

End of Chapter 192