Solo Job!

Chapter 207 Solo Job!

PAS Organization: 30 Years Ago

Eyeing the photo intently as Nafo just sits still, gazing at him while he keeps his eyes locked on the papers, Rokia says in a warm tea temperature tone, is there any questions on who this person is on why you need to make him sleep?

Not even looking at Rokia as he responds, Nafo says, yes. What is this guy's name and is he a bad person?

Leaning up in her seat to give herself better posture, placing her hands together as she comments back, Rokia says, his name is Volta Toxis. And yes, my dear Nafo he is a very bad individual.

Already set with a sentence structure he wants to let go, Nafo Says, what makes him bad? What has he done?

Now creeping in close as she looks into the red rubies called Nafo's eyes, Rokia voices with an even keeled tone, he has committed a lot of crimes from stealing money from people's businesses and taking a lot of lives as well in cold blood.

Widening his eyes at the taking of lives part to her dialogue, Nafo says in a timid type of voice, so you do the same to him what he is doing to people? And kill him?

Not even having to even retort, Rokia just lightly nods, giving the question a solid yes, understanding the paradigm of his assignment now, quiet for a moment as plays on in his thoughts on what he has to do as a young unknowing hitman.

Breaking his solitude to finally have one more thing to say, Nafo says in an anxious but also resolved manner, will I be doing this task solo or with someone?

Placing a hand on Nafo's right shoulder, Rokia says with a serene vibe to her voice, this one will be solely for you. Also, to, you leave first thing tomorrow morning heading east.

End of Chapter 207