Play Time's Done!

Chapter 214 Play Time's Done!

Abandon Building: 30 Years Ago


Seeing the blue light emit from the square cannons from their mouths charging, I waste no effort on dodging the high energy blasts from the two, zipping around like a pinball as I don't want to get fried by plasma beams.

Keeping my body moving all about as I try to come up with a plan for this new development that has risen in this moment, glancing my vision over at Hesh for a quick sec as I dash, smiling with a face that thinks he's going to prevail, now turning my sights back on the mechanical apes, I say as I shift my body straight towards them, I have to take out one of them or this fight will never conclude.

Cackling at my sudden tactic at moving towards his droided bodyguards, Hesh says, you must have gone nuts if you think a head on charge again is going to work while my droids' blasters are out!

Feeling more tense as I focus while nearing the right metal ape that isn't damaged, I say to myself with a burning dark flame churning, I need to pick up my speed and power.

Tingling as my body starts to get a wild rush of energy, still covering my visage as my red aura gets bigger, moving even faster after stating the message of needing more speed and power, excited just a bit at the suddenness of this new surge of essence in me.

Pointing my gun out as my confidence shoots up, aiming it at the right metal gorilla's left knee, I say, let's see if this new wave of energy can transfer into my bullets.

Firing as my finger pulls the trigger, zooming out of my gun, enveloped in the same red energy just like my body as the bullet darts to its target as it cuts through the air, hitting the kneecap of the right metal ape.

Its leg burst open violently as the bullet shreds through its circuitry, instantly collapsing it to the floor, up close and personal as I've made it under its chin, pointing my firearm again with no plight in hesitation, I say with a dark but cooling tone to my voice, play times done.

Releasing another shot filled with passion behind it, but this time a different phenomenon happens to my bullet as it turns into a speeding cyclone of horror, getting clobbered with another attack from me, the droid's head is obliterated without fail. Stunned at my own action, I say, whoa how did that happen? But hey I'll take it.

End of Chapter 214