Clearing up Fodder!

Chapter 244 Clearing up Fodder!

Alice Fortress: Hallway

Darting quickly at the orange skinned tall woman as Ver and Pap take out their weapons respectfully, blasting off rounds as they only take out the grunts that are affiliated with the orange skinned woman.

A bloody mess now as the two have finished up the lackeys, giving Rint a thumbs up as he is behind the tall woman, Ver says with pleasantness in his voice, fodder is down Rintster! So, see ya and you know the rest!

After making his enthusiastic comment, Ver and Pap high tail it down the hall.

Now just the two of them as the corridor is silent, since no more gun fire is not being shot anymore, for the time being, glancing her eyes left and right with her face showing no feelings toward the dead bodies of her men, the tall woman says, it would seem that your friends are capable gunmen, they made short work of my men.

Charging at her after letting her speak, Rint says, what did you expect. When you bring weaklings to a battle, they have no choice in losing their handsome lives.

Alerted at Rint's quick advance toward her, pulling out a maroon and white flintlock gun from her back pocket, sparking up her lime green gunergy, firing with quickness as she releases three shots.

Dodging as he gets closer to her, running to the left, jumping up off the wall as he tries to go for an aerial attack as he fires four basic bullets, evading as well with smooth moves for her stature, plopping right in front of her as he doesn't stop with his assault, Rint says, for a woman as tall as you, I would think you would be limited in a space like this and with these meat bags on the floor.

Blocking each one of Rint's physical strikes with her face poised, responding back, the tall woman says, don't be so assuming to judge an opponent off of appearances intruder. Keep doing that and your life is sealed. Also, too, if your friends are wanting to do harm to my benefactor Alice, their lives are doomed, because Alice is great.

Kicking at the woman now with his face scrunched in an off put way, Rint says, eww you're to on Alice's vagina tall bitch. And FYI don't get it twisted, me and my crewmates aren't to be underestimated.

End of Chapter 244