The Wrath Of A Princess!

Chapter 253 The Wrath of a Princess!

Alice Fortress: Hallway

Harper Vel:

Fucking bastard! Making me bleed from my adorable face! Fuming with seething rage as blood drips from my nose as it streams down my upper lip.

Losing my cool at getting bested by trash gunmen, staring down the orange and green haired shit in front of me.

Speaking before I can even say another word, the orange and green haired man says, get as angry as you want. But know this I'm trying to end this soon so give it your best little lady.

feeling the pressure of my veins pulsing over my face as I contort my mouth into an un lady like gape as I yell out with a dragon's rage, releasing my gunergy even stronger, I then blitz with inhumane like speed at the garbage in my way.

Still holding on to my Derringer in my right hand as I speedily phantom myself on the man's right side, not able to even comprehend my burst in speed as his face remains still but his eyes widen in astonishment, throwing a quick powerful punch with heat coming off of it, I say in my berserker state, this place will be your tomb cocky scum! I'll now show you and that purple spiky prick the wrath of a princess's burning rage!


Taking my beautifully heated fist of fury as the fool goes sailing into the wall of my big sis's fortress, finally creating some damage on one of these pieces of shits as the orange and green haired gunman coughs up blood.

Not reveling in the satisfaction of finally drawing blood on my foe, with my instincts on go as my blood keeps boiling, I then fire six hot smoking shots from my gun at the plastered individual in the wall and say, I won't be happy until I see you draw no more breath!

Zooming at him as my flame covered bullets near him, doing the unthinkable as he rips himself out of the wall, motioning fast as he points that gold gun hand of his, the orange and green haired man says, Ice Bullet Shield.

Launching his shot as his bullet zips out of his barrel, the bullet then turns into an icy classic knights shield and stops my shots, giving him no time to formulate anything else as I dash at him again, saying nothing this time as I begin to assault him with ferocious fiery fists.

Dodging a couple of them surprisingly but not all as a good majority hits him in different parts of his body, with his blood flying in the air, I then get an inhumane smile creasing my luscious cheeks from seeing his blood and say, you talked all that shit! And look at yo-.

Bang! Bang! Stunned as my attack runs dry as I'm down on both knees for some reason, feeling a warm liquid escape my stomach and chest as my body begins to run cold, I say as I haze out, I...I was winning...I was pounding you... But now I'm on my knees.

Bleeding horribly, and with my sight fading as the man I was thrashing just a couple of minutes ago, standing before me as he motions the remaining strength to his gun that has smoke coming from it, with his voice cold like how I feel at this moment, the orange and green haired man states, when angry like that, people tend to make simple mistakes and leave openings, so I took advantage of yours. And since you're on your knees, go have fun sucking off the devil bitch.

Ice Shard.


End of Chapter 253