On To The 2nd!

Chapter 255 On to the 2nd!

Fess City: Ton Ton Hotel: Tegic's Suite

A mess as Tegic's suite is in ruins from his fight with Foba, with pictures destroyed and fancy vases and other decorations broken to pieces, marked with even more red than the room already was, but this time the new paint job is crimson the color of blood.

Laying in between his torn in half couch as he is cut to ribbons and stuck with some arrows, still breathing slightly as his eyes look foggy, having only minor battle damaged as his clothes are mostly tattered and is only bleeding from his right arm, eyeing the downed mob boss, Foba says, don't fall asleep on us yet mate we need to know where we can find the other bros of yours.

Motioning his eyes slowly at Foba, with his breathing faint as he responds back, Tegic says, ff... fuck off...I ain't telling you shit..on where...my peeps are at.

Stepping up right beside Foba as he gazes down at Tegic with pitying eyes, Kip says, that's actually fine. You do fell to realize people talk in this city. And a lot of little thugs around here of course know of you and your bros. So, the tough guy act your putting on in your final moments is trivial.

Walking up closer to Tegic as he sees a red ruby ring on his left finger, flapping his gums once more as Kip pulls out a small dagger from his left back pocket and says, nice bling on your left ring finger.

That should be good conformation that we killed you, when we meet the second bossy boss of your little faction.

Swiping down with the quickness as Kip easily cuts off the finger of Tegic with the ruby on it, holding the bloody appendage in his possession now, standing up from crouching down, Kip says as he faces Foba, bullseye him. Were done here.

Not saying a word as Foba just slightly smiles, firing one arrow in his nether regions to give him a jolt of unbelievable pain, hearing his screams for a while, Foba then fires an arrow right in between the eyes of Tegic, silencing him forever.

End of Chapter 255