Getting Serious!

Chapter 284 Getting Serious!

Random Island:

Intensifying as Ver and Diya keep going toe to toe as they fire powered shots at one another.

In a rhythm as he is staying at the same flow as the young gun wielder, Ver says while blasting off a multitude of homing bullets, at first you had me going their kid. But now that we've danced for a bit, I can gather your count now.

Still looking at the man with his facial features unmoved at Ver's words, Diya remains quiet while firing off two high level dark bullets.

Evading those two shots with no issue, but after doing so, Diya is already upon our boastful outlaw named Ver.

Reacting to the suddenness of instinct and adapting to how Diya moves now, Ver instantly smacks the boy across the face with his right pistol, in that same frequency of moves he then points his left pistol at Diya's face and says, I'm getting serious now kid.


End of Chapter 284