Introooducing! The Main Character! "Shut up" "ok"

"Maaaaan, this is lame," I muttered to myself. 'How this guy stays so cheery while talking about math astounds me. Honestly, all these videos are prerecorded yet this guy never ceases to be happy when talking about mathematics, it's driving me absolutely bonkers.' I thought to myself as I glanced over to my full-length mirror on the other side of my room. Deciding my looks were more interesting than this chatterbox's talks about numbers that aren't numbers but rather letters cause that makes sooooo much sense. I decided to admire my looks from top to bottom.

At the first stop, we have that rat's nest of a fiery red, head of hair that chills in a low ponytail resting on my right shoulder, what little actually is in the elastic that is. Then we see... a panda! Nah just kidding, it's just my eyes. That look like I underline them with Sharpe every morning cause 'horray late-night binges~' *jazz hands* I had just finished this crazy good book that made my heart race just thinking about the confession scene, oh and that moment where he chases after the girl hoping to catch her before it's too late. And that was when I looked over to my clock and saw 3:46 a.m. staring me in the eye. Oops...

Anyway back to me and my gorgeousness- I have the most boring grey eyes surrounded by my eye bags. A weird nose that reminds me of a hawk and a boring mouth that looks kinda nice I guess, pale skin that only ever offers me two choices, look like a ghost or like a well-cooked lobster. And I'm wearing my favorite outfit as I lounge on my bed with my computer on my pillow. My black combat trousers with solid noir sneakers underneath and above being my favorite t-shirt with the image of a mare, quarter horse, curled around her foal.

Turning back to my computer I note that Prof. Happy's video was almost over. Figuring that I'd done enough for the day, I close my computer and grab my black raincoat and umbrella from the chair next to my bed, and head for the door. Upon leaving my room I see my mom working on her computer while being on a conference call with co-workers, through the open door of her office. Whilst my brother is playing video games in the corner of our tv room. As I head to the front door I snag some essentials off of the kitchen island; snacks, mace, water, lighter, and my favorite chrome switchblade. Hand on the door handle, I call behind myself, "I'll be back before 10:30, see y'all later!" As I open the door I hear my mom call, "Be safe and have fun, Hiro."

Stepping outside, I open my umbrella, before jogging off the porch to the end of our driveway, banking a right, and heading down the dirt road outlined by dense woods. Upon being certain that I was completely out of sight of home I swerve off the road and into the forest beyond. After a steady jog for about 30 minutes, I slow to a walk as I near my destination. A ways ahead, well hidden by surrounding trees, I spy a cozy cream-toned farmstead with a sizable red barn behind it. With a beautiful pasture stretching to the right further into the woods. Dotted by a multitude of cattle and equines respectably. As I approached I noted a fast-moving figure headed my way at an astounding speed.

"Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeey! Ruuuuuuuun!" the figure shouted as it advanced toward me at a great speed.

Chuckling, I laughed as I spied the farmhand Nkickolas in hot pursuit of my best friend, the runner, Callie.

"You better get back here, Callie, or you'll be sweeping the stalls till the cows come home!" Nickolas called after Callie with an exasperated expression.

Upon reaching my side, Callie hurriedly whispered into my ear, "Quick, distract him while I run to the treasure trove.

"I'll meet you there, Cal." I said as I watched the fast-approaching farmhand close in at an alarming pace.