Lucid Dream? Part 2

『Please design "[|||||]" (Main Antagonist) Character Appearance 』

'Huh, there are bars covering the name area for this one, guess the system didn't appreciate my naming methods.'

Hiro thought as she tried tapping on the bars where the name should've been, only to have her hand slide through the window. Deciding that there was no need to stress over the small details in a dream, Hiro moves on to designing the 'antagonist' with all the little details to craft a mighty but sneaky villain.

One with dark cocoa skin, intense eyes that would intimidate even the strongest of MMA fighters, and long dark hair in a mid-rise ponytail interwoven with little streaks of green locks. After a thought, Hiro added bangs to compliment the ponytail and some scars, scrolling through the options for scars an option for two scars that crossed over each other making a slender X on the mouth of the character- moving the scars over a touch to have them on the right side of her mouth.

'Ooo, that could make for some interesting backstory.' Hiro thought as she then moved on to other details.

After finishing the look that came to mind, our lovely redhead tapped the next button at the bottom of the screen.


『Character design accepted! Main trio completed, design rest of cast or leave for generator designs?』

『Please choose:

Design / randomize』

Hiro takes one look at the window before slapping her finger on the 'randomize' button. 'I've done enough character design to last years, I'm ready to wake up now. The novelty is wearing off fast.' Hiro thought with a frown as she watched the windows shatter.

With the thought of perhaps jumping off of the clouds, she stood on, so as to wake up via the 'falling dream effect.' Hiro approaches the edge of the cloud and looks down and hypes herself up to jump, pausing as yet another window appeared before her.


『Designs registered to the system, please choose your preferred color.』

With the newest window came another keyboard only the letters had been replaced with blocks of different colors.

The options were: Green, royal blue, purple, pale yellow, red, light blue, white, dark blue, aqua, brown, golden yellow, black, dull grey, pumpkin orange, pink, auburn, and metallic grey, with a final block that was a myriad of colors but had lines on it like the delicate lines of a square jewel.

Hiro quirks a brow at the array of colors, 'Its like a unicorn threw up over here…'

Anyhow, suppose I should choose a color, Hiro thought for a bit then pressed the green button, which shifted beneath her finger down a little bit like she had clicked a literal button, and once more both screens shattered like ice into snow.

Refocusing her attention, Hiro bent her legs for a front flip off of the cloud (cause style never takes a day off) a new small window appeared before her.


'Again, there's no noise, so why???'

『Choice processed. System prepping world for arrival.』

"Okayy… sooo if we're all set, I'ma get back to my frontflip," Hiro said as she proceeded to do a front flip off of the clouds, ignoring the new windows that had popped up in front of her.

『When would you like to arrive?


[Plot begins]



Please choose.』

When Hiro jumped, her arm swung in the air and bumped the [Pre-plot] button as she began her descent.

As Hiro was falling, in front of her, a new window appeared that fell with her.


『 Choice processed. Good luck.』

Non-pulsed, Hiro wove a hand through the messages, 'That's getting old,' She thought as she looked down to where she was falling to.

'Huh, for a dream this is looking really realistic… That mountain range looks huge and has giant building complexes on top of the mountains. Not to mention, now that I look at it, the mountains make an arrowhead off of what I think is a sea. This is a little TOO complex to be my mind's doing, I;m typically just fishing or hunting when I dream.'

Hiro started to feel a little nervous as the constricting feeling of falling started to build in her chest and she felt like she was falling faster and faster and faster and faster and it was getting harder to breathe as the wind was whipping the air from her lungs so harshly it felt like icy claws were at her throat.

So hard to breathe- I'm falling so fast- I can't breathe- What is happening, this can't be a dream!!! Am I- am I about to die?

With the ground fast approaching as the air ripped at her hair and face, Hiro saw the forest below as the giant trees were getting bigger and bigger till she was so scared she covered her eyes with her hands and tried to brace herself for impact when-