Chapter 25

A fairy flies over to us and kneels. "My queen, the preparations are ready."

"Excellent. Now let the celebrations begin."

As Titania says this, all the fairies come flying out of the trees carrying the things they've prepared. Some of them are carrying big plates of colorful sliced fruits, placing one on our table and the rest on the grass surrounding us.

At the same time, they also brought me another bowl and poured in a slightly thick, clear liquid. From the smell, I can tell this is alcohol. And it's strong too.

Titania waits for them to finish setting up the plates before raising her bowl, "To my daughters return." All the fairies cheer and starts going at it, eating, drinking, and partying like it was the last day of their lives.

I stopped drinking a long time ago, but I can't exactly refuse their hospitality. So let's just take a few sips.

Wow, this is pretty good, it's almost like a very thin syrup, it's sweet and fruity. I like the initial taste, but here comes… the after taste... bleaaa... this is part of the reason why I quit drinking in the first place. But strangely enough the syrup like drink doesn't stick on your throat, I'm surprised it goes down so easily.

Now let's try some of these fruits. Oh! This is mango, I haven't had mangos in a long time, this one is ripe and sweet. I prefer the slightly sour ones myself, but I won't complain, this is pretty good, actually, all the fruits here looks very tasty. I really like their oranges in particular, it's so sweet and juicy.

"Hay hay!" Piccy tugs on my shirt. "Can we have some more of that?" She whispers into my ears, deviously.


"You know. The things we ate this morning."

"Ohhh. Good idea." I almost thought she meant the Wolf berries for a second there.

I reach into my bag and pull out the sweets one by one, while all the fairies look on with great interest. Piccy who has actually tasted this before seems to be the most excited though.

Titania, "May I ask what these are?"

"These are sweets I bought this morning, since this is a celebration and all, I thought we could share them. You've been kind enough to let me join you, so allow me to contribute something. You said that you don't usually interact with other races, so you've never tired these before right? I'm sure all the fairies will enjoy them."

Piccy immediately swoops in for one, and Titania also reaches for one. She gives it a good inspection before taking a small bite. "My. So these are the pastries that humans make. I have heard stories, but have never had the chance to indulge in it myself. It is like the stories have told, these are quite exquisite. Are you certain we can have these? Are they not difficult to acquire?"

"It's fine, it's fine. I can always get more. For now let's just enjoy ourselves."

"In that case, we shall gladly partake." She gestures to the now drooling fairies and they all scream hooray before flocking to pick their share of the sweets.

This is feeling more and more like a casual occasion, and I like it that way. They previous atmosphere was way too formal for my taste.

As they all take a bite, the gigantic smiles and joyful expressions that emerges from their faces are priceless. All the money in the world can't buy you happiness, so "this is enough for me."

It was getting a bit boring just watching from the table, so I decided to get down and mingle a bit with the other fairies. Piccy noticed, and followed with her face still stuck to the tart she was eating.

Right as I sat down on the grass, one of the fairies bumped in to me, "Now you listen here human, hic. We may all be havin fun here, hic, but don't think you're fine just because you gave us some of this good stuff. I'll still be keeping an eye on you." It's the captain of the guards from earlier, just with out his helmet, and... completely drunk.

"Hehe. You can rest easy and enjoy the party. I won't cause any trouble." I reply in Fay.

Surprised that I spoke his language, he stumbles backwards more than a few steps before he could regain his footing. With arms spread wide he looks up at me, blinking profusely with the most dumbfounded face I've ever seen. Hehe, surprising people like this will never gets old.

Titania, "Oh, now this is a big surprise. So you can speak our language as well."

Piccy, "Yeah, you never told me!"

"Eh hehe. Just a little." I switch back to Selian.

Having been satisfied with their dumbfounded reactions, I continued interacting with all the other fairies. They were a bit shy and apprehensive at first, but after a little bit, the fairies all started to open up to me. They're a lot more comfortable flying up to me and talking to me now.

Though I'm happy that they are talking to me now, all they talk about is the pastries and they keep asking for more... I'm glad the pastries I brought makes me trust worthy, but I'd like to talk about other subjects too you know. Mainly about you guys since you don't get to meet fairies everyday.

Time passed quickly, and even thought Titania said it wouldn't take long, the sun is already starting to set now. "Alright, I should be going back now."

Titania, "Oh. Is that so. A shame you have to leave so quickly, the celebration hasn't even reached its peak yet."

"It's starting to get dark, and I'd like to get back to the town before it gets too late."

"I understand. The forest can become quite dangerous during the night. I pray for your safe return. And please, you may come and visit us whenever you like."

And with that, they all shouted and waved me goodbye, making sure to remind me to bring more sweets the next time I come to visit. ... in terms of shame. They have none.

Because the forest plays with the human senses, the captain and his Hawk riders escorted me to the edge of the forest before turning back.

"This is as far as we can take you."

"Thanks. I know my way back from here." Using my map.

Surprisingly, I got back to town with out a hitch. I thought I'd be hammered by now because they keep pouring me drinks trying to get to the pastries. Not to mention the alcohol content in those drinks weren't anything to scoff at either. But I don't feel drunk at all, I feel completely sober.

And I don't mean it like in a 'I'm noot Drunk! Hic!' Kind of way. I know the sensation when I get drunk, and this isn't it.

After getting back to town, I went straight to the adventurers guild to turn a small collecting commission I took for today. While I'm here I think I'll also just have dinner at the guild. I've been doing a lot of drinking at the fairy party, but not really a lot of eating, so I'll have something so that my stomach won't growl at me through out the night.

I'm not drunk yet so why not have another drink and go all out tonight. I already drank, so might as well get drunk. The guild being the guild, I got another feast and a giant mug of ale, and I regretted my decision right after the first sip.

It instantly reminded me why I stoped drinking in the first place, but I already ordered it, and no one is gonna finish it for me this time.

'Tolerance level reached' 'Poison Resistance improved'.

Ptffff...! What?! Poison?! They put poison in the drinks here?! Is someone out to get me? After a scan of the room, I don't really see anyone looking suspicious, and I don't think I've ever done anything to get on the bad side of the guild. So why…

Wait... alcohol is also concentrated a type poison right, or toxin. If alcohol is also considered as a type poison, then it would explain why I got the resistance. I've been drinking nothing but booze the whole day after all. It would also explain why I'm not drunk yet after drinking probably a small barrel worth of alcohol.

Still doesn't really help with the taste tho.

After dinner I went straight back home and flopped right on the bed, alter cleaning myself of course. Haaaa... it feels soo good to just lay down after a long day, is what I would have said if I was tired.

You'd think that after all that I'd be at least a bit tired, but I'm completely fine. In fact I don't think I've ever felt fatigue ever since I got to this world. Is this thanks to my level 157 body? If so, then even if it doesn't have any muscle on it, it's pretty convenient.

*yawn* but I still get sleepy, thank goodness. I'd be troubled if I could never enjoy this blissful activity ever again. Alright, time to go to dreamland...