Chapter 29

After Gravel took a quick look around the area to make sure we haven't missed anything, we helped put Yuko on Alice's back before setting off. She volunteered to piggy backed him all the way back to town. I was going to offer to do the same, but she beat me to the punch, squatting down in front of him before I could even say a word. By the time I turned around, she was already there.

She looked happy to accept the task, so I just let her have it. Not like she lacked the strength to do it. And plus… As I take a look at Yuko. His arms and legs are slim. Too slim. It's like he's only skin and bones. I don't even want to imagine the kind of conditions he had to endure up until now. And at so young an age too.

We started working, Alice in front, Piccy and I in the middle and Gravel bring up the rear. Yuko wasn't in a critical condition anymore, so we didn't have to hurry for his sake, but we still kept a brisk pace.

Nobody said a thing. All our eyes were pealed as we walked along the main road we crossed earlier, looking for anything that might potentially lead us to the caravan that came through here. Everything was quiet. Then Gravel ran up beside me and asked. "Hay, care to explain? What the heck was that potion you used on him. I've never seen anything like that before." Guess she decided that we won't be finding any clues here. But c'mon… did you really have to ask about that?

"Hmm? Really? That was just a healing potion." I answer, trying to look as composed as I can.

"Yeah right. No way a simple healing potion can heal you up instantly like that. Even a high purity potion would take at least half a minute to fully take effect like that. Not to mention, high quality potions like that would cost you a fortune depending on the grade. That is, if you can even find potions that pure on the market.

You might be a rich kid, but I doubt even you would have potions like that. I don't think even our country's top knights have access to that kind of high quality stuff. So what exactly did you do back there?"

"Hmm? But that was just a potion." Crap. She's not gonna let it slide that easily huh?

Since Silvia and Malakai didn't ask me about the berry, I thought healing in this world might have worked the same as in the game. But apparently not.

Maybe the only reason they didn't ask was out of consideration for me, since I did just bail them out of a critical situation. And compared to Yukos injuries, Silvia wasn't really that badly hurt at the time either, so I think that might have helped me sell it a bit more too.

That, or maybe the idea of finding rare plants in nature with potent healing properties was easier to swallow than having high quality, man made potions. This is a fantasy world that I know nothing about yet, so it is still entirely possible and even likely that such things exists and I just haven't come across them yet. I'll have to take mental notes on that.

"Hmm. Well, if you don't want to tell, then I can't really force you. Us adventurers do have to keep secrets sometimes, even among friends. But I'd wish you'd at least tell us that you had potions man. C'mon. Things like that could save a life on the battlefield."

"Hehe… alright. You're right. To tell you the truth, I do have a few more potions on me. I could give you a few if you wan…"

"No need." She cuts me off with an open palm thrusted right in front of my face, just as I was about to finish. "Those are your potions, so you should hold onto them.

We also used to carry potions with us on every commission, but when we got a bit stronger, I guess we also got a bit cocky. We thought we didn't need them anymore for commissions around town because nothing around here was that strong. But now with this incident, I think we should both start carrying potions again as well." She turns to Alice.

Noticing the look Gravel is giving her, Alice turns back and nods. Agreeing with her that they should start carrying potions again. I mean, if they're planing on carrying potions anyway, than why did she refuse me when I offered the potions? I don't particularly mind you know. And I got tons of them too.

Though… most of the potions I have on me heals for 1000Hp or over. I don't imagine they'd need something that strong. If anything, judging by events so far, it would likely cause problems for me if they found out about that. It's not impossible. Someone with an appraisal skill like an alchemist could probably assess how much my potions heal for.

While we're on that topic, I haven't really seen the potions of this world yet. Maybe I should go with them when they go to buy their potions. It's not a bad idea to get a sense of how my potions hold up to this worlds standards.

Walking along the main road, it didn't take us long to get back to town. We reported to the guards immediately after we returned, and now we're in a room, recounting what we saw to the captain of the guards.

We told him everything that happened, including what we managed to learn from Yuko, who is now meekly sitting between me and Alice on a couch. Seeing the situation, they gave him a bowl of warm soup. But he still looks extremely wary, eyes darting from one face to another, not even looking at the soup. Even though his stomach must be crying out inside.

"Ok. I think I understand the situation now." An old man wearing full metal armor speaks. His deep grassy voice matching his appearance perfectly. "We'll start the investigation immediately. If they are conducting their business in our town, you can rest assured that we will find them." Wrinkles and grey hair indicates that he's way past prime. But the aura of dignity and sense of duty he gives off suggests that he still has much to show. He is the captain of the guards.

"If there's anything we can do to help just let us know." Alice says with an eager face.

He takes a short look at the report in his hand before replying. "You mention that there was another person there with the child when you arrived at the scene, correct?"

"Yes, if I remember correctly, he was dressed very finely. Like a merchant. He surely wasn't another slave."

"Maybe the slave trader.." the room fell silent for just a slight moment when Gravel interjected.

We all definitely knew that there had to be slave traders involved in this. But I guess everyone just didn't want to accept it. Is this a rare occurrence?

It was the captain who starts, with the same tone as previously, his words betraying no sigh of surprise. "Hmm. If we can find him, then perhaps we will be able to find some clues. Gravel, I've heard that you are quite the capable tracker. Do you think you can find him for us?"

"No luck. I already tried. I may know a bit about tracking, but I'm not a dog. Plus, I've also never tracked people before. So I don't really know what to look for."

"That is unfortunate. That is the only solid lead we have as of the moment. We'll send some people to investigate it again, so could you lead them. We'll also conduct our own investigation here in town."

He makes a hand gesture, and the guard on his right went off to prepare. "In the mean time, we should discuss what to do with this child here.

We could leave him at the orphanage, but something is telling me that doing so might not be our best course of action." He takes a look at Yuko, "For now."

Yuko is, to put simply, scared. He's clinging quite tightly onto me and Alice. Kid must've gone through a lot to be wary of everybody he sees around him.

Everyone else takes a look at Yuko, before assuming a low gaze, not knowing what to do. Piccy, on the other hand, is staring right at me with puppy dog eyes. We're the only ones he trust right now. They say a mouse is most dangerous when it's cornered. If we let him go with anybody else, it might spell trouble later on.

Hmmm... Why not. I do have an extra room. "I'll take care of him. I have an extra room in my house. Yuko can stay with me."

The captains gaze falls upon me as he ask. "Are you certain you can take him in? You may be an adult now, but don't let that cloud your judgement. You are still young, and taking care of another is no small task."

"Right." Another guard joins in. "In addition to that. You are an adventurer. You won't be home to take care for him all the time."

The captain nods in agreement. "You could take him with you on your journeys, but it will no doubt be dangerous. Though most slaves are quite high leveled. That says nothing about their combat capabilities. Their levels increase not because they are capable in combat, but simply because they would not be able to survive the harsh daily punishment other wise. They most likely have no practical combat experience. Are you still certain you can take care of him?"

"Yes. I'll do it."

Before I could say another word, Gravel steps in. "Yeah! You don't have to worry. Ether is a very responsible person. And if anything happens, he's got us here to help. So you don't have anything to worry about."

"Yeah!" agreed Piccy.

Looks like they have a lot of confidence in me. I think they meant to put me at ease with that, but somehow… their offer to help is worrying me a little.

Gravel, I'll admit she is quite a capable adventurer. She's quick on her feet and has amazing instincts. But judging from her usual behavior, I can't really imagine her taking care of anyone. Alice maybe, but not this one.

As for Piccy. I'm practically babysitting her right now. She has gotten more used to human customs and traversing human society than when she first came to town. But she still has a lot to learn. Her common sense is improving, yes. But when it comes to money. Well, let's just say a bucket with two holes in it doesn't really work as a bucket.So I can't really imagine her being much help as of yet.

Second. I wouldn't really consider myself.. responsible... actually, what have I ever done in front of them that suggests that I'm a responsible person? But oh well. Them having confidence in me like that also gives me some confidence in myself. It makes me a bit happy.

Then again, this could all just be a front so that they can use me to get Yuko. "Well, that's how it is."

"Well... as long as you feel you are up for the task. We are also going to need to take in all the other slaves, so anything you can do for us is much appreciated."

With that, our report to the guards is concluded. Alice and Gravel still need to guide the investigation team to where we found Yuko earlier. The captain is gathering them right now. In the mean time, Alice is helping carry Yuko to my house. It wasn't far, I could carry him myself, but again, she insisted. So I just let her.

Yuko must be exhausted. He fell asleep half way through the piggy back ride to my house. Poor thing. But you can rest now. You're in a safe place. You'll never have to go through anything like that again.