48. Antares's Innocence

Antares stretched out his hand to the side, the mark on his forehead shining as the water from the swamp rose and began to approach him. The water that had gathered around Antares began to turn into small balls that floated in the air.

Antares moved his hand, aiming the water balls at the injured part of his body. The water balls break when they touch the wound, the water does not wet the body but absorbs into the injured body part.

"Extraordinary!" Ursilla widened her eyes while clapping her hands in amazement. What was happening in front of him was truly an unusual sight.

After the water absorbs in the injured body part, the wound slowly closes and disappears completely. Even the traces of blood that had been on the previous wound had been washed away as if there had never been a wound on Antares's body.