114. Antares' Carelessness

"It's all right, sir. Be careful next time. There are many people passing by. Please watch your step." The waiter swiftly cleaned up the broken glass on the floor. The red color filled the floor, it wasn't blood, but the wine that had previously filled the glass, which had now been shattered into pieces.

Morgan grimaced at the mess Antares had made. He turned his face away, as if he didn't want to admit that Antares was the one he brought from his residence. Morgan really wanted to hide himself now.

"This is so embarrassing! How can he be so careless?!" Morgan massaged his throbbing temples. His head always hurt to face Antares, who easily provoked his anger.

As soon as Antares saw that the maid didn't mind his mistake, he lifted his gaze to return to Ursilla who was now staring at him as well. Antares carved a sweet smile, his feet were about to take another step.