I'm a what?

The rest of the night went by pretty much with out a hitch during Yuvons' rest, minus the mouse that crawled up his pants and woke him for a brief startle. Once that was settled and the mouse tossed halfway across the empty crater Yuvon sat back down and was back to sleep immediately, not even noticing the number next to the dots reading, 63%.

The next few hours went by and early morning was upon the far, far horizon. Another hour passed and the orange and blue hues could be seen rising from the west. Dawn would fall upon the warrior soon. As he slept the rest of the night peacefully, the system had finished completely merging, now flashing a 100% next to the 3 dots.

As dawn was rising, so too was the warrior. Slowly opening his eyes, the sky was a light morning blue that had shown very little light still except for the glowing shade of the sun hiding behind the horizon. As he woke up, he hadn't remembered that dots in his vision as his mind was still in a mess from what had actually occurred. He proceeded to stand up and attempted his morning routine of stretching and simple workouts that he could do with what little he has on the road. Except, as soon as Yuvon stood, fully functional and awake, he was quickly reminded about the dots as the 100% flashed blue then disappeared, the three dots went down again and then shifted across his vison another time. The green highlighted the right, then middle, then left dot and flashing blue, it dropped down a small menu.

[Host Evaluation]

[System Upgrade]

[System Settings](currently unavailable)

The first one highlighted green then flashed blue.

"What the....what is going on....why..."

'System will now commence with host evaluation. Please relax and maintain breath control'

"Maintain whaaaaa...."

Before he could even finish getting the words out of his mouth he had bent down as low he could and jumped with every literal ounce of muscle he could and couldn't control. After getting about 18 feet in the air, he hung for a brief second before his body was pulled into itself before the fall actually started. At this moment he started spinning through the air on his way back straight down, twisting that way and flipping the other and combining for a few different combinations.

Landing softly on his feet, so quietly, so expertly, that even he was surprised. He wasn't that quiet yet either. As soon as he landed his body leaped forward as far as it could and he started a tumbling routine that looked quite difficult to pull of. Doing twist-flips in a manner he hadn't seen anyone do.

As he landed, his head turned slowly surveying the terrain. Now, quite a ways away from his dirt sheathed sword, his body bent down and prepared to run. As his feet pushed off the ground, there was a slight crush under each foot to the already hardened dirt. He crossed the span of about 60 yards in 3 seconds. As he got to the sword he picked it up, lifted it, tossed it a little, swung it with one arm, swung it with the other, swung it in both and then putting it in his right hand he looked straight up and threw it as hard as he could. The ridiculously large bastard sword flew straight up and soared into the air.

Not moving an inch and just staring at it, Yuvon was outside his mind as he had no control over his body and was panicking because no matter what, his body just wasn't listening to what he was saying. The heavy sword flew about 50 yards up before falling back down, as the sword was falling, his body walked directly under it and then looked down and closed his eyes.

He was screaming but no sound came out, he was running, but he wasn't moving.

[Forcing host Relaxation]

Something weird happened in the brain of Yuvon as he suddenly calmed and relaxed as if he had been drugged. As he was standing there with the sword falling straight for his neck. When the tip of the sword entered a space of 5 feet above Yuvons' head, his eyes opened and he stepped forward spinning slightly he caught the sword by the handle and immediately went into spinning, slashing, twirling, and tossing the sword in such a manner that made it look like an art. He plummeted the sword into the ground as the routine was finished.

[Intelligence Evaluation] Beginning.

All of the sudden Yuvons' eyes turned oracle white and the system began testing the brain of the warrior. After a few minutes of standing there, creepily and eerily zoned out, his eyes finally changed back to his blueish gold mix.

[Intelligence Evaluation] Complete.

[Wisdom Evaluation] Beginning.

[Wisdom Evaluation] Complete.

[Endurance Evaluation] Beginning.

[Endurance Evaluation] Forcing exhaustion threshold.

Immediately Yuvon felt as if he had been sprinting for 10 miles as hard as he could. Instantly winded, but still standing.

[Endurance Evaluation] Forcing exhaustion threshold, level 2.

Yuvon suddenly dropped to one knee, feeling as if he'd just sprinted another 10 miles. His breathing now ragged, a stitch in his side. He couldn't remember that last time he'd felt exhaustion like this.

[Endurance Evaluation] Forcing exhaustion threshold, level 3.

Yuvon dropped to the ground on his knees, hands in the dirt, he could not catch his breath. This time he felt like he just did the first two combined. The stitch was now in both ribs, charlie horses in both thighs, barely hanging on to consciousness.

[Endurance Evaluation] Complete.

[Finalizing Evaluation] Please stand by.

Yuvon finally felt a feeling of release. He started slowly moving his fingers, bending and stretching, making sure his body was now really his again. Realizing he was his own, Yuvon just stared blankly at nothing in particular in front of him. At least that's what it would like to someone watching him. He was actually staring at the 'Please stand by' message blinking in front of him.

The highlighted message finally flashed blue and the menu rescinded upwards. Then a message popped up directly in the middle of his vision.

'Attribute Evaluation Complete. Would host like to check Attributes now?'

"Check my what?"

As if something could hear him,

'Attributes, each attribute retains a direct effect to a main characteristic of your bodies abilities. Most attributes heavily effect one area and then complement a slew of others. For example Strength directly affects how easily you move a heavy boulder. But strength also slightly helps increase your natural speed, where as Dexterity will directly affect speed, but does not help you gain strength required to move said boulder.'

Not really understanding what was going on, Yuvon answered out loud.

"Sure, why not."

'Pulling up Host Attributes'

Strength: 20 Dexterity: 18 Endurance: 22 Perception: 15 Wisdom: 10 Intelligence: 16

'Assigning host title and duties. Host has been chosen and is now a Guardian. As such, the host will be gifted with a level 1 steed, a novice bag of dimensional storage, 10 food pills, 5 light healing potions, and 25 gold pieces.'

'Host now carries the torch of the light, when darkness arrives, its' your job to block its' path when it bares its' fangs and hunt it down in the shadows it hides. But remember, you are the light, don't let it be snuffed.'

"Wait, I'm a what now?"