Code Vein Ideas

Start of plot BUT keep memories fully, so a SI. Unless written otherwise.


Darksouls Spells addition


As main-character/protagonist start at character customization/creation screen/menu.

Able to learn one Dark Souls 1,2,3 spell (Sorcery, Miracle, Pyromancy, or Hex) per boss beaten/deafened, does NOT require catalist/flame/talisman etc to cast/use. Able to have one equipped per 25 levels, DS spells scale off of total level 1-25=10, 26-50=20, 51-75=30, 76-100=40, 101-125=50, 126-150=60, 151-175=70, 176-200=80, 201-225=90, 226-250=100 etcetera etcetera.

DS spells for DS 1,2 have uses per equipped, while DS 3 spells use Ichor instead of focus.


Final Fantasy Shop


Able to use/gain/buy ALL Final Fantasy Systems/Abilities/Skills/Spheres/Spells/Items etcetera etcetera. Things are bought with Gil or Experience Points through Moogle that is summonable once every 24 hours, it appears instantly from a puff of white smoke nearby.