Highschool of the Dead+My MCV
Isekai'd 5 days before outbreak and canon start. With My MCV "Star-Seed" and after installation gives host one free body reconfiguration.
"Dubbed" world so even though in Japan everyone speaks, and writes in English.
Waking up in a empty alleyway near "Main" school from canon/main-group. Steal a Mini-Bus from either school or elsewhere to install Seed, but also change outside appearance to be like a small motor-home/camper. And then park it nearby school the day of start/outbreak.
Use reconfiguration to basically "Character Create" body however liked. [Of course I'd pick/do the whole Cloud's etc etc.]
For the 5 days to steal/gather supplies into MCV. Food, water, gas, clothes, medicine, weapons, and materials.
Make sure to be hidden inside MCV on canon start/outbreak. Once see teachers bitten wait til after those at front are gone to drive into school and go to infirmary to get/save Shizuka.
Use excuse of trying to get ahead of it but failing so stopped to raid for medical supplies.
Stay with Shizuka, and Saeko to go to facility room and meet others. Make sure to save Saya outside of room.
After resting for a LITTLE bit convince others to go to clubrooms for supplies then go to MCV. This FULLY misses/avoids both stair students group AND Shido's group. BUT runs into Miku on way to clubrooms somehow before she meets/reaches Shido, so she joins group to clubrooms than MCV.
Use excuse of MCV being self's own customized camper/RV that all accept and fully buy.
Leave school WITHOUT EVER seeing Shido's group. With NO ONE going to/for MCV while its parked at school.
Talk and all agree to head to Rika's place to wait out a few days for bridge to clear a bit, and panic to thin out.
Shizuka, Saeko, Saya, AND Miku are VERY interested as saved each one at one point or another before leaving the school.
Those that fight CAN awaken an ability of some kind similar to "My MCV" with "Main-Cast" group all gaining strong/useful ones.
Saeko gains ability to use blood like my ff katana skills for her.
Shizuka gains WoW Priest healing, and cleansing ability.
Saya gains Pathfinder Sorcerer lvl ability.
Miku gains DDO Rogue ability.
Rei gains Dark Souls Spears ability.
Komuro gains MHW Hammer ability.
Kohta gains Paladins Viktor ability.
Rika gains Overwatch Widowmaker ability.
Self has MCV Star-Seed, BUT through it CAN gain other abilities and etcetera. Use it to gain a Lightning ability, then a Earth ability. This way having increased speed, enhancement, and ranged power/magic/attack with Lightning. And increased strength, endurance/vitality, defense, and a way to make walls/small/basic structures with Earth.
Later gain Water, Fire, and Wind abilities for more benefits etcetera etcetera.
Zombies SLOWLY VERY SLOWLY evolve/mutate taking MONTHS/YEARS to gain ONLY PHYSICAL enhancements, unless zombie is/was someone with an ability ONLY then will ability be fused with physical enhancements. (NO WAY FOR ZOMBIES TO GAIN ABILITIES ANY OTHER WAY.)
Save Saya's parents (atleast her mother) convince them to MAKE a NEW base AWAY from the city.
Save Rei's mother, and call Rika early to meet up. (She leaves alone to meet up with group.)
EMP HANES missile still happens, but MCV is FULLY protected from it and ANY/ALL EMP type effects/attacks.
Animals start to evolve/mutate within 1 day of canon/outbreak at school. But ONLY physical enhancements until months/years then become able to do elemental physical enhancements.
Enhanced animals, and zombies have a "Ability Core" or "A.C." for short, that is the size of a small marble inside their brains.
Enhanced humans have a "Ability Core" near their heart. Using abilities energy gained from calories/nutrients to power them.
Enhanced humans that become zombies have their heart A.C. breakdown and fuse with their new zombid brain A.C. this gives them the elemental physical enhancements.
Enhanced animals hide, and bones are stronger the more powerful the animal is/was, with the meat being extremely good in both taste and nutrients making it the best food for humans and more so for enhanced humans.
[Pairings would be MC-Saeko-Shizuka-Saya-Rika, Kohta-Miku-(Cop from the mall), Komuro-Rei-(+ idk, maybe Miku or Saya instead).]