Thank You!

After Ash left, I sat down on the grassy field. Aiden also left at a point. I don't even know where he went, but I won't be surprised if he left me here.

I pulled my hoodie on as I wrapped both hands around my body. It started to rain a while ago. It's only a drizzle, but with the dark clouds, I can tell it's going to rain heavily.

"If you were here, I'm pretty sure you'd not like me sitting under the rain like this," I muttered, laughing under my breath. A chilling wind blows by, and I blow my breath onto my hands. "Can you hear me, dad? It feels so weird talking to you like this. I have a lot to say, but not like this."

The rain starts coming down harder, and the wind slightly picks up. The rain soaks into my clothes and ultimately into my skin, seeping deeper and making my body freeze. Thunder crashes through the sky as my vision goes blurry with the rain.

I stared at the stone in front of me, hoping he will get up. I want to talk to him. I want to tell him about what I am going through, how my life is nothing to be proud of, and how I feel empty and alone. But I can't. How sure was I that he can hear me? He's not here to advise me or hold me or tell me everything is okay, so why should I bother? Sitting here, knowing he's just a few feet away, calms me a little.

I feel discouraged, and there is no one around to help. I don't think I'll ever be happy. Hell! I don't even remember what it feels like to live happily. I laugh with my friends, get the best results, but I feel drowned and unseen. I feel numb.

Suddenly, the rain stopped touching my head, but it kept falling on the tombstone. I look up to see Aiden holding an umbrella over my head, his face void of any emotions. He had his hand in his pocket as he stared at me before bringing his gaze to my dad's grave.

"You're going to get a cold if you keep this up." He said. I ran my tongue over my chapped lips before standing to my feet. I staggered back a little before gaining my balance.

I looked at the stone. I came today, hoping I could open up a little, but after the few words I said when I first arrived, I could barely say anything else. "Bye."

I walked away from there, leaving Aiden standing there. "Hey, wait up!" He grabbed my wrist, his hand bringing me to a stop. I looked at him lazily, the rain clouding my vision. "You look horrible."

I snorted as I pulled my hands away from his, making way to the road. I'm soaked to the bones, but there's nothing I could do. "My car is over here."

He'll really take me back to town. I turned around to see him standing beside the BMW i8. I walked towards him and watched as he held the door open. "You don't mind me soaking your seats?"

"It's okay. You can clean it later on." I rolled my eyes before getting into the vehicle. He passed me a towel before turning on the heater, making the car a little warm. I looked at him, surprised he cared. I've always seen him as a self-centered and arrogant person.

"Thank you." He nodded before driving away from the cemetery. I wrapped the towel around my hair to prevent more water from staining the seats.

I leaned my head back as I got comfortable on the seat. I let out a lazy yawn before dozing off into the unknown.


My body jolted forward at the sudden noise as I looked around frantically, confused as to what was happening. Aiden had an air horn in his hand as he waved it around with a smirk playing on his lips.

"Wakey wakey, sleeping beauty!" I groaned before putting my arm over my eyes.

"Was that necessary?" I asked, peeking through my arm to shoot him a glare.

"Yup! I tried to wake you the normal way, but you didn't respond. I had to be sure you're not dead." He shrugged before looking back down to his phone.

"Why did you even wake me up?" He rolled his eyes before pointing to the building in front of us. A sigh escaped my lips as I stretched my still sleeping muscles. I turned around to see him looking at me. "What?"

"You wanna grab something real quick?" He nodded at the diner. I was heading there anyway, so I agreed.

A few minutes later, we took a seat at the far-end corner of the diner. Various people greeted Aiden as they passed by, but he didn't pay attention to them. His focus was annoyingly on the girl over my shoulder as he gave her flirty eyes. He even had the nerve to send her a little wave which she returned before continuing her conversation with her friends.

"Thank you so much for today." He nodded before taking a fry out of my plate.

"No problem. At least you weren't as annoying." I rolled my eyes, moving my plate out of his reach. He reached over, snagging himself another fry.

"Bro, you got to stop doing that."

"Why? You don't like sharing?"

"Not when it's you." He placed his hand on his chest, feigning hurt. I rolled my eyes as I continued eating my meal. I trail my eyes around the room in hopes of catching a glimpse of Ash. My eyes instantly fell on a guy sitting a couple of tables away.

He was staring, and I matched his stare to get him to look away, but he doesn't back down.

"Hey, Sweetheart! You there?"

"I have a name, you know." I glared at him, making him raise his hands in surrender. I turned to see the guy still staring at me, except this time, he winked. "What a dork!"

"Is everything okay?"

"Yeah! That guy has been staring for a bit too long." I nodded towards the guy that had been staring at me for almost 10 minutes now. Aiden followed my gaze before cursing under his breath.

"Shit! I have to go. I'll see you later, Sweetheart." He said before dashing out the door, leaving me a little confused. I felt someone tap my shoulder, making me look up.

"Go away! I'm so mad at you right now." I folded my arms to my chest.

"Ohh, come on, Thea. I'm sorry. I completely forgot I had a shift today, not until Brittany called me." He stuck his lower lip out to me in a cute pout. "Come on! You can't possibly say no to this face."

I laughed before shaking my head. "The only reason I can't say no is because you're so ugly when you do that."

I shrugged my shoulders as he glared playfully at me.


"So what?" I asked, taking a sip from my drink. He raised his brows questioningly at me.

"You seem pretty cozy with him earlier. You know, considering how much you claim to dislike him."

"So you knew who he was before you asked him to drive me back?" I asked, shock evident in my face.

"You didn't seriously think I would let a random stranger drive you. I love you too much to let anyone kill you." I scoffed. From the corner of my eyes, I could see the guy that had been staring at me make his way to our table. I sunk deeper in my seat.

"Hey, beautiful!"