It's Simple Arithmetic.

"Tonight, please do the review from page six to nine to refresh your memory on the concepts we talked about earlier. Expect a small quiz tomorrow testing what you know about the topic." My Anatomy teacher, Mr. Jones, said after the bell for lunch rang. Everyone started to pack up in a hurry to make it to the cafeteria on time.

As I picked up my books and headed out of the class for lunch, Mr. Jones's voice resounded through the classroom. "Miss. Brown, please stay back for a second. I need to talk to you."

As everybody else was heading out for lunch, I turned around and walked to stand in front of his desk. "Do you need something, Sir?"

"Oh, well, Athena, you are one of the best students I've had this year, and it's not just in my subject but in other subjects too." He said, folding his hands on the table. "I was wondering if you would be interested in tutoring some of the younger kids that are having difficulties in their subjects."

Heck, no! I definitely don't want the attention that comes with that.

"I'm sorry, sir, but I can't. I already have a lot that I'm dealing with at the moment, coupled with college applications. I can't add that extra load to them. I'm sorry." He nodded in understanding.

"Okay, that's fine. You're free to go. Have a good lunch, Miss. Brown." He said, dismissing me.

I nodded and walked out of the room. I did feel a little bad that I wouldn't have the time to tutor the other kids, but this is my last semester as a senior. I can't afford to let my grades falter now. Mommy dearest would have my head for dinner since her dream is for me to go to Harvard.

Ash and Ari would be at the cafeteria now. I'm curious to know how Ash's day has gone so far. I was at my locker when I felt someone lean against the locker beside mine.

"Can I help you?" I decided to ask after waiting for the person to talk, and he didn't. I closed my locker to turn to the person.

"I spoke with Mr. Smart about switching partners, but he said it's impossible to change partners." Well! Tell me something I didn't know. Mr. Smart already mentioned something like that during the announcements. I didn't tell him that beforehand because I didn't want to boost his already gigantic ego. "So I guess you're stuck with me, Sweetheart!"

"Yayy! Lucky me!" I exclaimed as I rolled my eyes. I turned around to head to the cafeteria.

"So when do we start? You mind coming over to my place later today?" I stopped in my tracks before turning around to face him.

"You want me to come over to your place? How convenient." He groaned as he ran his hand through his hair, making it stick out all over the place.

"Can you not make this even more difficult than it already is? I'm trying to be nice here." I scoffed, shaking my head. If this is him trying to be friendly, I wonder how he will act when he's not even trying.

"Alright. Fine then. I'll see you after school."

I walked into the cafeteria, my eyes scanning through the crowd to see if I could spot either Ash or Ari. I can see them seated at the far-end corner of the cafeteria. I walked towards their table, only to see another girl seated beside Ash.

"Hey, Thea. We've been waiting for you." Ari said as she pulled me into the seat beside her. "Here, we got you lunch."

She passed the plate of lasagna to me as I smiled in gratitude to her.

"Thea, meet my friend, Sloane." Ash introduced. "Slone, there's the infamous Thea." She is typically pretty with fair skin, long light brown hair, and brown eyes.

"Athena, right?" I nodded. She seems nice enough. "I do see you around. We take Anatomy and Calculus together."

"Ohh, I barely know or speak people in my classes. Nice meeting you, though." She smiled at me before looking back down at her phone. I turned to Ash, eating my food slowly.

"How were classes, Ash? Anyone act like a bitch?" I asked.

"You needed to be there, Thea. The classes went smoother than I expected. Everyone was unexpectedly friendly." His eyes shone brightly in happiness. I'm happy for him. He's been through so much.

"You gonna try out for the team?" Ari asked, taking a bite from my plate. Ash was one of the best baseball players here before he left then. I'm sure the couch won't have a problem taking him back.

"Yeah. I think I would."

The bell resounded through the cafeteria. Sloane and Ash left before since they have another class together. Ari linked her arm around mine as we walked to our Calculus class.

"You don't like her?" I turned to Ari, who was looking up at me with curiosity laced on her features.

"Like who?"


"Why won't I like her?" I asked, taking our seat at the back seat of the classroom. Students are roaming around, chattering joyfully amongst themselves.

"You didn't talk much at lunch. Or is something else bothering you?"

"You know I barely talk to strangers, Ari. I'm not comfortable around people I don't usually hang out with."

"Really? Then will you explain what happened on Saturday with Shane Roarke?" I rolled my eyes as I placed my head on my table.

"Of course, he'll tell you. That guy talks more than a parrot."

"Come on, Athena. Were you ever going to tell me? You didn't even tell me how the visit to the cemetery went." She had a hurt expression on her face. We always share everything with each other no matter what.

"Come on, Ari. Nothing happened. Besides, I didn't think it was necessary." The teacher chose that moment to start the lesson, making all of us take our positions in our seats.

"We're talking about this later." I nodded before taking my attention back to the teacher.


"That's it for today, class. Be sure to go through all we learned today cause there would be a quiz tomorrow."

Great! Just great! This is the reason why I hate Mondays. There are different assignments and quizzes to prepare for every day of the week. Not only that, I'm spotting a migraine now. Why did I even choose to take Advanced Placement classes? Yeah, that's right. It was all Mommy dearest's idea.

"You okay? You look pale." Ari asked, placing her hand on my forehead.

"Yeah. I'm fine. I have a lot of assignments to attend to today." We walked out of the classroom together, making sure not to collide with the students in the hallway.

"Why is Aiden waiting by your locker?"

Aiden- scrolling through his phone- had his back against my locker, talking animatedly to someone beside him.

"We are going to start our project today." I chose not to tell her 'where' we would be working. It's not exactly lying if I didn't give her that information. She'll go all boogas on me if she knows.

"Ohh. Speaking of projects, I have to start mine too."

"Hey, Sweetheart! Ready to go?" He asked as soon as I got to my locker. I recognized the person he was talking to, Nolan Reed. We didn't run in the same circles, but we were paired for a science project once. I doubt he'll remember, though. I'm the invisible kid with good grades.

"I told you several times that's not my name." I rolled my eyes.

"You're Athena. The scientist?"

"That's her. The all-time genius." Ash said as he slung his arm around my shoulders. When did he even get here?

"You two are together?" Nolan asked.

Instantly, I choked on my spit. "God, no."

Ash pushed me away. "Never."

"Ever." Ari doubled over in laughter, clearly enjoying our mystery. Why would anyone assume that Ash and I are together? He's my best friend, but he's definitely not my type. He doesn't even like girls.

"Forget I even said anything," Nolan said, confusion clear on his face.

"It's not that-" Ash looks like he wants to puke. I think I would too. "She's like my sister. The thought of even-- Oh God, no!"

"A big, fat no." Nolan looked between us in amusement.

I open my locker to get the books I needed for the assignments we have. I still don't know how I'll be able to revise and do my assignments alongside the project. Especially with this migraine I'm spotting.

"See you later, Thea," Ari said as she pulled Ash away. He looked back at me in confusion.

"Aren't you coming, Thea?"

"I'll tell you in the car, Ash. Bye, Thea." Ari shouted again. I turned around to see Aiden staring at me.

"No one told you it's rude to stare?" If he heard me, he chose not to reply.

"Let's go, shall we?"