The Fight!

I have no time to take in the unfamiliarity of the bright downtown lights and tall buildings when the cheers and shouts of people pierced through the air.

"Shit! We're late." Nolan started walking towards the crowd of people as I followed closely behind.

"What is going on? Late for what? Nolan!" I sighed when he kept walking to the scene. Man! I should've stayed behind when he told me to.

Once I reached the crowd, I stopped because it was strenuous to get through, especially for a tiny girl like me. This is one of the disadvantages of being a 5'7 feet girl. I began pushing a few people but to no avail. Suddenly, Nolan grabbed my hand and led me through the crowd.

On getting to the front, my eyes nearly flew out of my skull when I saw Aiden on top of Shane as he threw several hard blows to his face. I gaped, watching in horror as Shane's eyes found me. An amused smile appeared on his face as he whispered something to Aiden.

Whatever he said must've made Aiden angrier because he began to throw even harder blows at Shane's face.

"Nolan! Stop him." I turned to Nolan, who seems to be in some kind of shock. "Nolan! He's going to kill him."

I rolled my eyes when he didn't respond as I moved closer to them. "No! Athena! Come back." I heard Nolan shout, but I didn't answer him. If this boy has no sense whatsoever, I'm going to knock some into his thick skull.

"Stop! Aiden, stop!" I called, pulling at his arms, yet he wouldn't budge. It's like he's hellbent on killing this guy today. His eyes remained transfixed on Shane, alight with a fire that I rarely saw in him. It's not like I knew him anyway. "Aiden! Stop!"

He tried to shake my hands away from his arm, pushing me to the floor in the process. "Ow!"

"Athena!" Nolan came towards me, but I shook my head, pointing at Aiden. "Separate them, please."

At long last, Nolan and one other guy succeeded in prying them apart. However, Aiden is far from done. He lunged towards Shane like a man possessed but is quickly constrained by Nolan.

"I'm going to kill him! I'm going to fucking kill him! Let me go!" Aiden shouted, yet his voice seemed both foreign and unfamiliar. Dark and hoarse, his voice sounded as if it brought more pain.

Nolan pulled him slightly away from Shane, who had begun to lift himself off the floor. His nose is definitely broken from what I can see from here, and his teeth are smeared red as he steered towards Aiden. He spits out his blood before looking towards me.

"I see you're the new catch! You are too pretty to be caught up with a guy like him." From the moment I met this guy, I didn't like him. He gave off weird vibes and made me uncomfortable in every sense.

"Well, that's for me to decide, don't you think?" I smiled at him, making him let out a deep chuckle.

"She got spunk too. I can see why Knight chose you."

"Shut the hell up, Roarke," Aiden snarled, clenching his fists tightly.

"Calm down, Addie. He's not worth it." Nolan whispered. He turned to Shane, who was still staring at me. "I think you should go now."

Shane looked like he was about to say something, but I was quick enough to stop him. "You heard him. Buzz off, dumbegg!"

He glared at me before walking away. I turned around when I heard someone chuckle behind me. I gave Aiden the deadliest glare I could muster.

"What is so funny, Aiden? You left me alone at the diner to come to wrestle?" I said, folding my arms to my chest.

"That's true." He said like he just realized it. "Why did you bring her here?"

"She insisted on coming along." I rolled my eyes before turning to Nolan.

"Can you take me home? My parents must be worried now." He nodded before leading the way, with me following closely behind.

"What? So you're just going to ignore me?" I didn't answer him as I followed Nolan quietly. Hearing a groan behind me, I let out a breath before going to help him.

"I'm still not talking to you. So don't even think about talking to me." I put his arm around my shoulders as I followed Nolan.


We went to get our bags from the diner before Nolan drove me home since Aiden can't drive in his condition. He ended up with split lips, a black eye, and a crooked nose. I don't know how he got it, but my best guess is that the fight turned around in his favor before we got there.

Pulling the car to a stop in our garage, I turned to Aiden, who had been stealing glances at me since we left the fight arena. I still don't know where that place is exactly or why he was there in the first place. I asked him the question that had been lingering in my mind since I saw his wounds.

"Do you want me to help you clean that up?" I said, pointing to his face. He ran his eyes all over my features, drinking me in before nodding his head. I turned to Nolan, who had also been quiet

. "Are you staying too?"

"No! I have to get back home." I nodded before getting out of the car. I am immediately engulfed in a hug.

"Where have you been, Ana? We have been worried sick." She pulled me away from herself by my shoulders.

"I'm fine, Martha. I'm sorry for coming home late." I replied, giving her a small smile.

"Your mother has been freaking out all day. They just left to look for you. Sir. Levi couldn't even calm her down." I let out a deep breath. Let's leave it to my mom to be overdramatic in situations like this.

"Can you please call them and tell them I'm home now?" She nodded before looking behind me at Aiden, who hasn't uttered a word. "We'll be in my room."

I pulled him into the house before leading him to my room. Opening the door, I threw my bag on the bed before going to my bathroom, where I keep my first aid box. "Make yourself comfortable. I'll be back."

Searching frantically through my cabinets, I can't seem to find the box. 'Where did I leave it?' I muttered under my breath.

"Looking for something?" Aiden said. I screamed, my hands flying to my chest. "Are you okay? I didn't mean to scare you."

"I'm okay. What are you doing here? I asked you to wait for me." I exclaimed, my eyes searching through the bathroom for the box.

"You were taking forever. What are you looking for?" He asked.

"My first aid kit. I can't seem to find it." I bent down, looking in the lower cabinet to see if it was there. Maybe Martha knows where it is.

"You mean that box?" He nodded towards the kit that is on the bathroom counter. How did I miss it? He looked at me, an amused smile playing at his lips. I cleared my throat awkwardly.

"Let's treat your wounds, okay?" I passed by him, my shoulders brushing through his. He followed behind me quietly before sitting on the edge of my bed. He made to pull his shirt over his head.

"Uh... What are you doing?" He looked at me like I've gone crazy. Maybe I have. I didn't think this through before blurting those words out of the car.

"Taking my shirt off." He said in a 'duh' voice. I rolled my eyes before putting the box on the bed.

"Why? I only offered to treat your wounds, not wash your clothes." He chuckled, shaking his head in an amused manner.

"You're really an innocent girl, ain't you?" I rolled my eyes before pulling out the supplies I need. Tilting his head back slightly, I applied a small amount of antibiotic ointment to prevent any infection.

He winced slightly, holding his ribs like he's in pain. I raised his clothes to see why he keeps wincing. On the left side of his ribs, there is a dark purple bruise that looks really painful.

"Geez! What happened? Do you need to go to the hospital?" I asked. He pulled his shirt down, shaking his head.

"No! I'll be fine. Thank you." I opened my mouth to say something, but the look on his face told me that it isn't up for a discussion. I sighed before nodding my head.

"Athena! Where in the world have you been?" My mom's voice resonated through the walls of the room, making me jump in my spot. Her angry eyes went from me to Aiden, who didn't even move from his spot on the bed.
