Pose For Me!!!

Nolan seemed quiet throughout the day. He didn't try to make funny comments or try to find a way to tease me. He was working through the day without being his childish self, and Aiden didn't bother me in class either. They were both quiet. It was kind of awkward.

I can tell no one is used to the 'Double Handsome Devils' being so quiet, as the girls called them. Some girls tried getting them to talk or do something, but they wouldn't budge. Even Ella kissed Aiden at a point, and he got angry. Aiden does look intimidating when he's mad and had that look in his eyes, but she only took it as a chance to flirt with him.

They didn't come to lunch either, which only seemed to bother me further. I don't want to look like I care, but those two have managed to crawl away into my life more than they know.