Let's Talk...

"No, no, no," I said, stuffing my Calculus textbook in my bag. "I can't believe I actually forgot to finish my assignment."

"Thea," Ashton said softly. "Calm down."

I glared at him. "I can't. You know how I feel about turning in my homework late. I'm only lucky that Ms. Miller gave me a one-day extension."

Ari gave me a sympathetic look. "That only means you have to do it overnight."

I groaned. "Thank you for reminding me that. I swear that woman hates me. And it has to be when I'm having this stupid migraine." I mean, the day was going great until I received the news and saw everyone turning in their assignments except for me. My morning was good. I had very smooth classes until I saw Ms. Miller glaring into my soul.

But now, I had to go home and work on this stupid thing which could take me hours to finish.