Lucky Morning...

For the first time, I woke up before Aiden. I was already facing him, and he had his arms around me tightly as if he was scared that I would run away or something. He opened his mouth slightly, and I could hear his faint breathing as he slept soundly. I took this moment to study him, from his pink lips and his curly blond hair that scattered out around the pillows. I ran my fingers through it, and he shifted slightly, tightening his arms around me.

The curtain blocked the sun from reflecting into the room but illuminated enough light to come into the room. I watched as Aidenès eyelashes fluttered and his green eyes appeared. They looked confused for a second before they showed recognition. "Watching me sleep now? I know we're doing this dating thing, but I don't think I want to be your Bella if you're my Edward." He mumbled huskily. His eyes closed for a second before he opened them again.