Let's go to a party...

"Leave me alone!" I yell at Arianna, flinging a pillow to her face.

She dodges the attack and cackles, jumping on the bed to lay beside me. Avery followed and laid down on the other side of me. "What do you both want with my life? It sucks already. There is nothing to see, so bye bye." I grumbled, pulling the comforter over my head.

"My! did she become even more rude?" Ari said, leaning on her elbow as she looked towards Avery on the other side of me. 

"It seems so. Who tried to break her heart?" I rolled my eyes at the two of them as they spoke like I wasn't in the same room as them. 

"Guys, please! I want to sleep, so I would appreciate it if you leave."

Ari looked down at me, her eyes scanning my face. "It's six o'clock in the evening, and you're still in bed, Thea. Your dad says you barely left this bed for the past two days."