Found him...

Mr. Knight looked taken aback as he stared at me. "Excuse me?"

I gently pulled Cayden away from me and walked right up to Mr. Knight. "Your son is missing. It may not have been for twenty-four hours, but clearly, his being gone is taking a toll on everyone. As his friends, we're here to help find him. I'm mad at him right now, but that didn't stop me from coming here and making sure nothing bad happened to him. I care about him. We all care about him, but it seems like you don't. You ought to be a father. Now we don't even know if your child who thinks of you as his sperm donor and not even his father is alive or dead. If you don't care about your son, Mr. Knight, you can leave and go back to your office, but if something were to happen to him. Trust me, you may not think much of it now, but it will all be your fault, and it will haunt you for the rest of your life for not trying."