The Great Attorney Jin

When Su Jin came out, she was still in a bit of a daze.

While waiting for her bus, she made a call to her younger cousin Han Tong. "I just finished with my blind date!"

"How do you feel this time?" Han Tong asked with a smile on the other end of the line.

"I want to get married!"

"Huh? You want to get married after seeing the person once? Are you crazy?"

There was an uproar on the other side.

That's right, this kind of progress was indeed crazy.

She smiled forlornly. A marriage without love is the same no matter who you marry.

Jin Hengyuan kept sitting there and watched as Su Jin got on the bus. The black chiffon shirt made her look tall and graceful.

After the bus left, he made a call. Half an hour later, he paid for the bill and arrived at the place where Su Jin was waiting for the bus not long ago.

After a while, an Audi A8 stopped in front of him. Someone alighted from the driver's seat. He placed an arm on the car door and took off his sunglasses.

"Say. Great Attorney Jin, Young Master Jin, why did you come to this small town for no reason? You didn't even drive here. Haven't you changed to a new car recently?"

Jin Hengyuan slid into the front passenger seat.

"Changning borrowed it to run errands. There's a case to handle. Since I had the time, I came to visit my grand-aunt. Previously, the old lady had a fall."

"A fall? Is she all right?"

"She's recuperating in a hospital. By the way, you're familiar with this place, so help me find a cleaner house nearby."

"Whatever for? Don't you have a villa in the suburbs?"

"I need it! Remember not to get one that's too nice or too big! The kind where the rent should be about two thousand dollars."

"Eh, can anyone live there?" The man tilted his head and sized him up with a puzzled look. "So mysterious. What are you playing at?"

Jin Hengyuan laughed.

That person did not ask any further either. He only changed the topic.

"How about we go to Mass Virtue Teahouse this afternoon? That person from the Zheng family wants to ask you for help on a case. Just treat it as you helping me, okay? Because they can't find you and keep coming after me every day, isn't it hard on me?"

"I refuse. I won't earn money that goes against my conscience."

Jin Hengyuan closed his eyes lightly.

"Hey, why do you always have a problem with money? If you can help me successfully with this, the attorney fees alone will be enough to buy two Audi A8s."

"Do I look like I lack money to spend?"

"Yes, yes, yes. Why would Great Attorney Jin ever lack money? What I want to say is that even if you don't want to show your face, you can let Changning take over… Don't be so unwilling to help just because the Zheng family is on good terms with your old man. Do you find it interesting to make the relationship so awkward between yourself and your old man? Do you really want to hand that huge family business over to someone else so easily?"

"Jiang Tao, why do you have so much nonsense to say? Hurry up and drive me back to Shanghai. I have to go get something. I still have to return here in the afternoon to settle some matters!"

"Miser. You don't give me any face and only know how to send me on errands. I'll remember this."

That person cursed.

Jin Hengyuan smiled and watched the scenery fly past outside the window. His mind was filled with that delicate and pretty figure.

Su Jin went home to get her household registration booklet, but she was still a little hesitant because she recalled Han Tong's words of advice.