I Don't Regret Hitting Someone

The elevator reached the ground floor very quickly. While pulling on Su Jin, Musheng rushed out with a fierce expression. Then, they got on a bus that stopped in front of them. Along the way, no one dared to stop them.

After getting onto the bus, Su Jin sighed as she watched the Zheng Corporation building pass by outside the window. It seemed like she could only seek help from Mubai now.

Jin Hengyuan did not agree to the dinner invitation and left Zheng Corporation. At around five o'clock, his phone rang. He answered the call and placed the phone to his ear. His daughter's soft and delicate voice entered his ears.

"Daddy, when are you coming home?"

He smiled. "In half an hour!"

"Really? That's great, I'll be waiting for you!" the little girl giggled. Before she hung up, she shouted over the phone, "Great-grandma, Daddy will be back soon. Quick, quick, quick. I want to braid my hair. I want to dress up beautifully…"

Her childish voice made Jin Hengyuan burst into laughter. That girl was still so young. Why was she so vain?

With that thought, the delicate features of a particular face naturally flashed across his mind.

Su Jin did not like dressing up.

It was often said that a woman will doll herself up for her lover, but that person was too lazy to take care of her looks because she no longer had her beloved.

Although she still looked attractive, he had to change this habit.

Wives also needed to be trained, so that their beauty would blossom for their husbands.

He chuckled lightly and stepped into the car.

"Changning, return to the family residence!"

At the family residence, a beautifully-dressed little girl stood guard at the entrance. When she saw the familiar car drive into the garden, her face lit up with joy. After Jin Hengyuan alighted from the car and opened his arms to her suavely, she flew into the man's broad chest like a butterfly.

"Oh my, Daddy's bones are about to break…"

Jin Hengyuan let out an exaggerated cry and kissed his giggling daughter. Carrying her, he called Changning over and walked towards the ancestral house together with him.

His grandparents were standing under the eaves, beaming while watching them.

Dinner was already prepared, and the five of them sat at the table to eat. Throughout the night, the little girl was the one who kept talking to Jin Hengyuan the entire time. When she got sleepy, she cuddled in her Daddy's arms and fell asleep sweetly.

The gray-haired old man looked at this father-daughter duo and sighed softly, "Xiao Yuan, you're already 32 years old. It's time to find a mother for Xiao Ya. In the end, there should be a woman to take care of you and Xiao Ya. Because Xiao Ya doesn't have a mother, her childhood will always feel like it lacks something. That's not good!"

Jin Hengyuan remained silent and simply smiled. Every time he came back, his grandfather would try to brainwash him.

The old lady agreed immediately. "Your grandfather is right. Don't just focus on your work all the time. Regardless of your personal issues, even if your mother is not rushing you, we are anxious. We still want to carry a great-grandson! Look at how old we are. How much longer can we live? Grandma thinks that the girl from that Jian family is really not bad. Both our families are quite compatible in social rank too. If you agree…"

Upon hearing this, Jin Hengyuan immediately stopped her. "Grandma, I'm tired. I'll carry Xiao Ya to bed. You and Grandpa should sleep early too."