Mother-In-Law Recognized Him (1)

When they came out of the mall, Jin Hengyuan was carrying a lot of bags. Su Jin wanted to help him carry some, but he refused and said, "No need. It's a man's job to do the physical work."

Yes, he was very considerate.

However, right now, she could not be sure if this considerate behavior was a deliberate display because they were newly-weds or if it was just his usual conduct.

Human nature was definitely complex. Although she did not have much dating experience, Su Jin had been working for a period of time already. She knew very well that a man who was solicitous to women during the beginning stages of dating only did it for their reputation. Once he got what he wanted, all kinds of bad habits would be exposed over time.

Whether or not Jin Hengyuan's true personality was as he appeared on the surface remained to be seen.


Just as they were about to enter the hospital, Su Jin suddenly turned around and called out to him with a troubled expression—there was something she had to say.

"Hmm?" He was following behind her and bearing a warm smile the whole time. "What's wrong?"

"I have a favor to ask of you!"

Her words were so serious that he could not help but raise his eyebrows. "If you have something to say, just say it. Do you have to be so formal between the two of us, a married couple?"

Heh, this person always took the opportunity to cement the fact that they were already husband and wife.

All right. In that case, she would not be so formal with him and spoke straightforwardly, "It's like this. Yesterday evening, I mentioned to Mom about having registered my marriage with you… She was a little unhappy."

In actual fact, after her adoptive mother confirmed that this was not a joke, she was so furious that she gave her a real tongue-lashing.

"You registered your marriage on your first meeting? Ridiculous! What nonsense… That's a matter of a lifetime! How can you act so rashly?"

Because of this, her adoptive mother had ignored her the whole night and was still showing her attitude in the morning!

This was precisely the reason why she had asked him to wait downstairs when Jin Hengyuan called. After that, he wanted to buy a gift for their first meeting, and she did not go all out to stop him. It was more or less because of this reason too.

Of course, she mentioned none of this. She only said…

"My mom is usually a really nice person. She's angry this time probably because she's afraid that I'll ruin the rest of my life by marrying someone in a hurry. So, when we enter her ward later, if she makes things difficult for you, please bear with it…"

If her adoptive mother was truly in a horrible temper, she would also speak without consideration. Su Jin was afraid that at that time, Jin Hengyuan would lose his temper and fall out with her on the spot. If things really became that ugly, she was afraid that her adoptive mother would probably die from anger.

Jin Hengyuan stroked Su Jin's hair with a smile. "Heh, I was wondering what happened. So this was the problem… Don't worry, I'm used to coaxing my elders. Nothing will go wrong. Relax, it'll be fine, okay?"

His actions were very intimate and his tone was very light-hearted. More miraculously, that pair of confident eyes comforted her unsettled heart.

Su Jin's adoptive mother stayed in Ward 1215. There were three beds in the room. All the patients were receiving fluid transfusions and had family members accompanying them.