Because of Love, He Made a Promise

Yao Mei deliberated over her words before saying, "I understand now that you have feelings for her, but she might not have. This time, she got married in a rush mostly for me."

"Speaking of marriage, I've been through it before. It's a blessing to be able to live together as a couple, but if she regrets it and doesn't want to live with you anymore, I beg you not to make things difficult for her and be straightforward about the relationship, all right?"

"I know that this request is a little too much, but my heart really aches for Xiao Jin. This child has suffered a lot since she was young. Later on, in order to repay my kindness, she gave in to me for everything… Actually, it's all my fault…"

Up to this point, she suddenly stopped talking, her face full of sorrow.

When Jin Hengyuan heard this, his smile gradually disappeared. His brows furrowed slightly, and his entire face gradually turned grave and stern.

He thought for a long time before saying, "This request is indeed a little too much. However, I am still willing to provide you with a promise."

"In this marriage, not only do I want her to bear children for me, but I also want her heart and for her to walk with me to the end."

"If I'm unable to make her forget her past and follow me wholeheartedly, or fall in love with me, don't worry. When the time comes, I'll let her go and let her find the path she wants to take…"

"Marriage is a gamble after all. Winning would be a blessing for both of us. However… If we lose, we can let go and make another gamble… I won't foolishly use marriage to trap myself and her to death."

Under the sunlight, Jin Hengyuan's face was filled with a forceful air of arrogance that was shining brightly.

Yao Mei looked at him and suddenly felt that he was definitely a man who could be entrusted with one's hopes. Other than his family background, he wasn't the slightest bit worse than Mubai.

In the ward, Su Jin received a call from Su Musheng, asking her to go to the hospital entrance.

She went there and the child asked for 500 yuan from her. He shouted noisily that he had something urgent to attend to and disappeared on his classmate's motorcycle.

As she watched, she felt her eyelids twitching. She hurriedly made a call and warned, "Don't cause any more trouble outside!"

At 11 o'clock, Jin Hengyuan brought his mother-in-law back to the ward.

This man was truly capable. In less than half an hour, he had made Su Jin's adoptive mother 'change' her face. The smile added a touch of life to her lifeless face.

In the afternoon, Yao Mei ate the hospital's nutritious meals. Due to the pain in her liver area, she was eating less and less.

After eating a little, Yao Mei urged Jin Hengyuan to bring Su Jin out to eat—First Hospital was not in charge of providing guests with any of the three meals in a day.

Su Jin did not want to go. She thought that it would be fine to just call for two delivery orders.

Yao Mei didn't allow it and reminded her, "Even if you're married, you have to go on dates when it's time to go on dates. This way, the marriage will stay fresh for a long time. You two have only just met, so you have to interact and get along with each other more…"

Su Jin could only obey her.

After leaving the hospital, Jin Hengyuan brought Su Jin to the Notting Steakhouse.