A Hug (1)

When they came out from the steakhouse, Jin Hengyuan did not call for a taxi. This place was not far from the hospital. He suggested walking. Su Jin felt a little stuffed from the meal, so she agreed.

After walking for a while, he received a call.

Vaguely, she heard a man crying on the other end. He frowned as he listened, his gentleness fading bit by bit. Following that, a layer of terrifying chill covered his hardened face, and his entire body turned awfully cold in a second.

This side of him was so unfamiliar.

As she watched, she had mixed feelings. How many faces did this person have?

"My university classmate got into a car accident and passed away. I have to rush over to see if I can help… Can you go back by yourself?"

After hanging up the phone, he asked her. His expression had softened a lot, but it was still very heavy. A few traces of sadness flashed past in his eyes. It looked like that person, who had gotten into an accident, had a very good relationship with him.

"Go on. You don't have to attend to me," she replied softly. She originally wanted to comfort him, but she was too 'rusty' after all and couldn't find the right words. The atmosphere turned silent for a moment.

He looked at her meaningfully and seemed to be thinking about something. After a long while, he reached out to stroke her hair and said gently, "I initially wanted to spend more time with you this weekend, but…"

"It's all right!"

She really wasn't used to his intimacy. If he wasn't around, she would feel much more at ease.

"Hey, why do I feel like you're eager to push me away…? Do you feel that after using me to get a marriage certificate and appease Mom, I have become dispensable?"

He suddenly joked, dispelling that solemn atmosphere just now.

She went blank for a short while and felt extremely wronged. "No!"

"Okay, since you don't think so, I'm leaving. Shouldn't you express something…?"

His eyes showed a hint of mischief again.


She looked at him a little warily, unsure of what he was up to.

"How do you want me to express myself?

"Hug me!"

"Ah… A hug…"

She widened her eyes and looked around their surroundings. Her face grew hot unconsciously. There were so many people around… He must have gone crazy to ask for a hug…

"You… Don't make things difficult for me!"

She would not do anything embarrassing.

She had never kissed or hugged anyone in public before. Even when she was with Mubai previously, they had never acted so crazily.

No hugging! Definitely no hugging!


Regardless, he did not care. With a low chuckle, he spread his arms open and pulled her into his embrace. Then, a kiss landed on the top of her head.



He had truly gone crazy!

This person was already 32 years old. Why was he still so immature…

Her face instantly burned up, and her heart started racing. Even though she wanted to, she couldn't push him away or hide from him. She felt as if the blood in her veins was about to explode; it was bubbling like crazy.