Su Family, Her Heart Hurts (2)

"Su Jin, how shameless can you be? Mubai is already married and has a child. Why won't you give up? Do you still want to come pester him shamelessly?"

Su Jin's entire body stiffened, and her face paled instantly.

This woman who hated her to the bone was none other than Mubai's mother, Zhou Wen.

On the 10th step, Zhou Wen stood there, looking down from above in a domineering manner.

"Leave! Please leave immediately! Of course, if you hope that Old Master and Old Madam will hear me arguing with you and get a heart attack from anger, you are welcome to continue staying here."

In her silence, Zhou Wen had quickly walked in front of her and ordered her to leave while pointing at the door. At the same time, she threw out a threat.

Su Jin bit her lips and turned to leave without saying a word.

This was definitely a formidable woman. When she spoke, her words were often unforgiving. She had infuriated Grandpa so much that he nearly collapsed several times before and even beaten Mubai. In the past, Su Jin was a little afraid of her, but now, she was even more so.

Therefore, she could only give up on meeting Mubai.

She naturally felt bitter inside.

It was most pitiable to have to struggle to see the person that one wished to meet.

She recalled how she and Mubai used to be inseparable lovers in the past. Yet, they had now fallen to such an extent… They did not even have the most common way of contacting each other—by phone.

The reason why she came here today was because she knew that he had returned to Jia City yesterday. She had asked a classmate who lived in a nearby villa district and knew that Zhou Wen was not here. If she had known that Zhou Wen would be here too, she definitely wouldn't have come.

Now, although she had run out, her heart hurt so badly like it had been ripped apart.

If she couldn't see Mubai, what should she do about Musheng? She really had no options left.

Su Jin took the public bus home first. She needed to calm down before she could face her sickly adoptive mother with a smile.

Yu Cai Community was on the seventh floor of the third building. She walked upstairs in a daze.

"Jin, where have you been? Why are you only back now?"

A familiar voice sounded at her doorstep.

She was stunned. When she raised her head, she saw that handsome man—who had broken her heart several times before—leaning against the door, frowning while looking at her quietly. His black striped shirt was wrapped around his thick and broad body. That stance was one she was most familiar with.

A single glance that felt like tens of thousands of years had passed. Yet, there were countless grievances that made the tip of her nose sting.

"Your eyes are red. What's wrong? Did Auntie's condition worsen?"

He strode towards her with a concerned tone.

While suppressing the turbulent emotions in her heart, Su Jin stood still and asked lightly, as if she was dreaming, "You… Why are you here?"

"I went to the hospital to look for you early in the morning and bumped into Han Tong, who had gone to visit Auntie. She said that you weren't there because you went home to get your things, so I came straight here."

It turned out that he had not been home because they had taken another fork in the road again.

"Did you come to find me for something?"

Su Jin did not plan to mention that she had gone to the Su family. That would only add to the conflict.

"Aren't you going to invite me in for a seat? I've waited for you for a long time, and I'm a little thirsty."

He did not answer and asked another question instead. His expression was cautious.

They were already strangers after all. When had he ever acted like this in the past?

She remained silent and opened the door.

"Come on in. I only have purified water here!"

This water was specially prepared for Musheng. Whenever that child was thirsty, he could not wait for the water to cool down. Therefore, she always prepared small bottles of purified water for him at home.

She took a bottle and handed it to him.

Su Mubai opened it and drank a few mouthfuls. He looked around the small apartment. Although it was small, it was filled with the warmth of home.

Soon, his gaze was attracted to the photos on the wall in the living room. They were all photos of Auntie, Su Jin and Mubai. They all loved taking photos. Back then, he used to be one of them too, but for the past four years, he had gone missing from their lives. However, he had never planned to give up on the position that originally belonged to him.

He slowly unscrewed the cap of the bottle and turned around. His deep eyes focused on Su Jin, who was tidying up the sofa. For a moment, he could not control his emotions. He went forward and hugged her tightly from behind.

"Jin, shall we start anew?"