Let Me Finish Talking! (1)

It was also on that day that Su Mubai held onto Qin Xue's hand and appeared in front of her, announcing to her with a calm face.

"Her name is Qin Xue. She's your elder sister-in-law. We have already registered our marriage."

At that moment, Su Jin's world fell into turmoil. Her heart even felt like it had been crushed into smithereens by a truck.

That night, Qin Xue slept in his room while she stayed all alone in a random corner in the night. With tears streaming down her face, she stood there till dawn.

She had once asked him for the reason too.

He was silent, not giving her half a reason.

Four years later, after she had gotten married though, he came back to her and raised such a request… made such a decision…

Her body trembled and she turned back to stare at him. The more she looked at him, the more unfamiliar he seemed.

"I don't recognize you anymore."

She took three steps back and turned around to take another sip of water. Then, she turned around hurriedly again and stared at him fixedly. She interrogated him resentfully, "What exactly does marriage mean to you? How can you speak of divorce so easily? How will you be responsible for that woman and your son?"

A strange sort of indignance made her tremble.

The Su Mubai she knew should not be like this.

However, calmness was the only expression on Su Mubai's face. He smiled quietly and only said, "Do you want to know why I married Qin Xue four years ago?"

Indeed, that was something she had always wanted to know.

But was there any meaning in saying that now?

She did not answer immediately.

Just then, his phone rang, breaking the silence between them.

He picked it up right in front of her. An anxious and delicate voice drifted out from inside the phone. After he heard everything, his expression changed immediately. "I'll be right there!"

After hanging up the phone, he looked up with a slight frown and spoke in a deep voice.

"Let's not talk about that matter first. I have to go now. Grandpa and my mother quarreled a bit, and he had a heart attack. He was just taken to the hospital…" After a pause, he continued, "Regarding Qin Xue, I will deal with them… But I can't guarantee that my mother won't come to find trouble with you. Today, I came to see you because I want you to be mentally prepared. I must get a divorce for this marriage. "

He glanced at her quietly once again before turning to leave.

Su Jin opened her mouth and wanted to call him back, but in the end, she didn't. She originally wanted to chase after him and follow him to the hospital to check on the situation, but after taking a few steps, she finally stopped in her tracks in panic. Grandpa couldn't have suffered a heart attack for no reason. Perhaps it was because she went to the house but did not manage to meet him, then he got into an argument with Zhou Wen… In other words, if she followed him now, it would be akin to pouring oil on fire.

She definitely couldn't go with him. As for Musheng's issue, it was not appropriate to talk about it now either.

Leaning against the door, her heart was in a mess.

On Monday, Su Jin went to the office.