Let Me Finish Talking! (7)

But for the sake of her livelihood, Su Jin could only try her best.

When she came out, that Manager Yan came to toast her and even pulled her to a corner. He narrowed his lecherous, shifty eyes and said, "Our company has another project. We still have ten sets of premium ready apartments, waiting to undergo furnishing, that are about to be auctioned off to the public. Miss Su, if you're interested, how about we go discuss it in detail after the meal?"

As he spoke, he shamelessly groped onto her waist with that salty pig hand.

It was very obvious that this person wanted to sleep with her.

Su Jin really wanted to give him a slap, scold him for being shameless, and then throw down a sentence in an aloof manner: I'm not doing this job anymore.

However, the reality was that she couldn't just say that she didn't want to work anymore because her client was making things difficult for her. Since she wanted to come out to work, and since she wanted to work in this industry, it was necessary for her to occasionally be taken advantage of and swallow the humiliation in silence.

She definitely couldn't fall out with him directly. In that case, how else could she save herself in this current situation?

Su Jin held back the disgust in her heart and stepped back seamlessly. She smiled calmly. "Of course, it's a good thing to have business to do. However, I'm only in charge of designing. When it comes to business matters, especially for major projects, President Qiao is always the one who does the negotiations personally. Only then can we, Jin Hui, show our sincerity. Why don't I invite President Qiao over and the both of you can discuss it in detail?"

Before he could react, she turned around and called out, "President Qiao, Manager Yan has a huge project for Jin Hui…"

With this shout, everyone turned to look at them. And on the other end, the boss replied that he would be right there.

The Yan guy's smile slowly turned cold. In the end, he bit out a sinister line.

"Miss Su, I have seen your sincerity. I hope we can still work well together in the future!"

This was already a threat.

Su Jin remained calm and smiled apologetically. "Manager Yan, Jin Hui will definitely be able to give you the greatest amount of sincerity. Initially, it was my great honor to be able to discuss the project with my boss and Manager Yan. It's just that my man at home has severe depression. If I don't rush home before 10 pm, he will definitely come out to make trouble the next day… It's fine if he makes trouble for me, but if he makes trouble for others, that won't be good then… Don't you think so?"

Su Jin was convinced that someone like Yan had some pride and liked to take advantage of women quietly. If this matter were to blow up, he would definitely be afraid.

In the next moment, he cast her a deep look indeed and walked towards President Qiao.

As the danger was removed for the time being, Su Jin heaved a sigh of relief.

"Ah Jin, is that Yan guy trying to sleep with you?"

Someone behind her asked softly.

It was Yang Jiahui, her best friend and colleague who had grown up with her. Before this, she had been in charge of a commercial design project in another city and came back this afternoon. This year, their boss had the idea of developing in the commercial interior design sector, and Yang Jiahui had worked on several such projects before. That project was the first office interior design project that Jin Hui had accepted. Yang Jiahui went with another designer, and the two of them were living over there for quite a while.