We Must Work Hard and Have a Child Early (1)

Jin Hengyuan's smile widened and he added in an extremely filial manner,"You're right. Don't worry, Mom. We'll definitely work hard and have a child as soon as possible!"


Su Jin was even more speechless. Her face was burning up, and she quickly avoided his gaze.

Although his gaze was not evil, it still made her panic.

"Xiao Jin, what about you? Why don't you make a statement too?"

Yao Mei's gaze fell on Su Jin's unnatural expression.


Her face must be as red as a monkey's butt.

Giving birth to a child was a little too far-fetched.

Alright, that was the reality. When a man or woman was a little older, they would be urged by their parents to get married. Once they got married, they would be urged to have children…