Coincidentally, I'm Good at Fighting Too (1)

Su Musheng said coolly, then turned around and walked towards the elevator.

"Su Musheng, how can you say that?"

Su Jin was really angered to death.

In contrast, Jin Hengyuan's attitude was much calmer. He smiled and handed the bag of watermelons to her."I'm fine. If a boy didn't have a temper of his own, he wouldn't be considered a man…I'll go down and find him."

"That child is used to fighting…"

She was worried that he would be bullied.

He smiled.

"Coincidentally, I'm also good at fighting. When I was young, I was the king of children. Whoever dared to disobey me, I would beat them up. There were quite a number of people who were beaten to tears by me…"

Was this for real?

Su Jin was a little suspicious. This person looked gentle. Was he as powerful as he said?