She Said She Couldn't Go Back

Su Mubai saved it for a while and finally had her contact information.

It wasn't that he didn't have a way to get her number, but he had always wanted her to tell him personally.

He thought that it would be the first step for them to start over, so when she gave him her phone number, a faint smile appeared on his face again.

"What I mean is, even if we can't go back to the past, I still hope that you can come to me when you're in trouble. No matter what, we grew up together…"

He wanted to use this method to let her guard down.


She suddenly turned around.

"How is Grandfather?"

She had to ask him about this matter. As for whether she should look for him again in the future, it was not something she should study now.

"It's nothing serious. I've already been discharged. I just miss you so much."

"If there's a chance, I'll visit grandfather…You can leave! I should go up too."

She turned around to leave, but paused.