I Want to Protect Su Musheng

Jin Hengyuan was stunned.

Su Musheng was captured?

"When did this happen?"

"The day before yesterday!"

The time matched. Su Jin had said two days ago that she couldn't get through to Mu Sheng.

"Why were you captured?"

"Xiao Li was killed. He is the prime suspect. This evening, Su Mubai hired a lawyer to bail him out…I don't understand. Your brother-in-law is in trouble, so why is it his turn to court him? Aren't you a ready-made lawyer?"

Jin Hengyuan immediately sat up straight, and his back tightened. He suddenly had a general understanding of what had happened today.

Mu Sheng was detained because of the dismemberment case. Someone in the criminal police team recognized Mu Sheng and called the Su family. However, Mrs. Su, Zhou Wen, picked up the call. She went to the hospital to pass on a message and said something harsh, which directly provoked Yao Mei and caused her to be critically ill and receive emergency treatment.