Confession, College Entrance Examination

Chu Luo went on until past six o'clock. When she stopped, everyone looked at her anxiously.

The same message was written in their eyes: Say more.

Chu Luo said with a straight face, "There will be two subjects tomorrow. You guys should revise the two major questions I mentioned just now."

After saying that, she rubbed her stomach. She refused to admit that she was hungry.

Old Gao, who was standing at the side, happened to see her inconspicuous action. He smiled and said to everyone, "Chu Luo is right. Everyone, go and revise your Chinese and English first. After three years of sharpening your swords, everyone will go to the battlefield tomorrow. All the best!"

Everyone then prepared to take their remaining books away.

Old Gao turned around and patted Chu Luo's shoulder with absolute trust. "Chu Luo, I have nothing to say for tomorrow's exam. Teacher believes in you. When the results are out, Teacher will celebrate for you."