The Passionate Dave

Chu Luo and the four boys turned around at the same time.

They saw Dave walking towards them.

Dave walked closer and saw what they were looking at. He asked enthusiastically, "Is Bai Ling interested in these data?"

After saying that, he looked at the other boys and asked tentatively, "I heard that you guys are students from the Imperial University's Computer Science faculty. Could it be that Bai Ling is also a student from there?"

The information about Tang Zhiyun and the other three was not confidential, so it was reasonable for Dave to ask this question.

However, the four of them were a little worried.

They were worried, what if everyone dug up Junior's identity by investigating the four of them?

"No." Chu Luo wasn't worried at all. She said, "One doesn't have to be a computer science student to like these things."