Robot Roundy

Chu Luo strode upstairs.

Upstairs, Li Yan wrapped his arm around her waist and led her to the bedroom.

Chu Luo looked at him as she walked.

Li Yan looked into her eyes and couldn't help but tilt his head to kiss her on the lips. He then asked, "Baby, I haven't seen you in two days. Did you miss me?"

Chu Luo deliberately said with a straight face, "No."

After saying that, she suddenly stopped.

Li Yan also stopped.

Chu Luo reached out to him and blinked her big, sparkling eyes. "I want you to carry me."

Li Yan looked at the petite woman who was acting coquettishly in front of him and his smile widened. He picked her up horizontally and asked in a hoarse voice, "Baby, did you miss me?"

Chu Luo pursed her lips and smiled, but she didn't answer him.

Li Yan's gaze landed on her lips. After they entered the bedroom, his voice deepened. "If you don't say it, I'll punish you."