Eating Dog Food

Chu Luo gave her a reassuring look. "It's fine."

Wu Yiyao was relieved.

They walked to the counter together. Tang Zhiyun said to Chu Luo and Wu Yiyao, "Teacher Little Wu, Junior, what do you want to eat?"

He took a pen and notebook. "Take a look first. I'll write it down."

The two of them started looking at the wooden tablets. Chu Luo pointed at a few dishes, Wu Yiyao also ordered a few, and then the boys ordered.

After ordering, Wu Yiyao looked at the dozens of dishes written in the notebook and said worriedly, "Did we order too much?"

"Haha, Teacher Little Wu, don't worry about this matter. We have huge appetites."

"Exactly. Especially since I've been walking around the school this afternoon, I'm already famished. I think I can eat a cow now."

The few of them were amused by Wang Mingtao's exaggerated words.

Just as they finished ordering, Boss Xiong walked out with a pot of tea and a few teacups on a tea tray.