Help Your Friends Keep Up Appearances

Chu Luo tidied up the herbs refining room and walked out with Li Yan.

As they walked out of the villa, it was just dawn. The two of them walked into the courtyard hand in hand.

When she walked to the middle of the courtyard, Chu Luo smelled the fragrance of the herbs in the air and said to Li Yan, "Coincidentally, there are many herbs here. When I'm free, I'll make some fragrance bags to refresh myself. When I'm tired, I'll just smell it and I won't be sleepy anymore."

Li Yan held her hand tightly and said in disagreement, "Don't stay up too late in the future."

Chu Luo smiled at him and suddenly pulled her hand out and stopped.

Li Yan looked at her.

Chu Luo extended her hands to him and wheedled, "I want you to piggyback me."

Li Yan didn't say anything. He turned around and arched his legs with his back facing her.

Chu Luo pounced on his back.