Heavy Yin Aura

Chu Luo hung up the phone. Professor Chen happened to look up and said with a smile, "Chu Luo, CEO Li is here to pick you up, right? Then you should pack up and go back first."

Chu Luo nodded at him and started packing.

When she finished packing and walked to the door, she saw snow falling. Moreover, just as Nangong Yi had told her before, the Yin aura here was indeed much heavier than elsewhere.

Chu Luo turned around and said to the busy professors and teachers, "Professor, teachers, it's snowing. Why don't you guys get off work too?"

They looked up from their work and glanced outside. Professor Chen said, "I was wondering why it was even colder than usual tonight. It's snowing."

He turned to look at the others. "Why don't we stop here tonight?"

The others also felt that it was indeed a little cold. Even if the heater was turned on in the room, it was useless.

At that moment, a lamp went out.