Side Story Ten

Chu Yichen quickly wiped off the blood.

Only then did Nangong Yi let go of the hand covering Beibei's eyes.

Beibei looked at Chu Yichen, who had gone out with the water bucket, and asked Nangong Yi curiously, "Uncle, what is he doing?"

Nangong Yi said with mixed feelings, "Your grandfather is cleaning."

Beibei nodded.

At this moment, Chu Yichen walked in.

Nangong Yi finally remembered what was important and said to him, "Since you're the leader of the killer organization, shouldn't you call Junior? She must be going crazy searching for Beibei after she suddenly disappeared."

Chu Yichen pursed his lips and thought for a while before nodding.

Then, he went to the bedroom inside. After a while, he walked out with a phone.

He handed the phone to Nangong Yi. "Call."

Nangong Yi nodded and took the phone to call Chu Luo.

When Chu Luo's voice came, Beibei's eyes lit up. She quickly shouted, "Mommy, Mommy."