Chapter 32 Holy Light Flash_1

Turus never expected that these droplets that mocked him might actually perish him. The droplets were becoming more numerous, denser, and colder, and he just couldn't hit the enemy. Unbelievably, this skeleton could fly!

A flying skeleton? Would anyone dare to believe such a thing? Yet, this was happening right in front of Turus. As he hurled a magma fireball, a gust of wind lifted Ange into the air, easily dodging the fireball.

Totally unprepared for such a twist, Turus watched the magma fireball hit the ground without managing to lock his gaze onto Ange, creating a big pit oozing with hot lava bubbles.

As the magic power within Ange grew stronger, the droplets that rained down on Turus increased in density, and surprisingly, their temperature was dropping, consequently stealing more and more heat from Turus's body.